Easter Egger™ Chicken

(125 customer reviews)

As low as: $3.42

Hatching on July 28, 2025

Order now for estimated delivery by July 31, 2025.

  • Easter Egger™ – Sold as Baby Chicks Only 
       Minimums – Not Sexed = 3 
                          Female = 3
                          Male = 1    
                                Total of 3 birds to ship
Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru September 


Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Not Applicable
  • Weights: Hen ——-5 1/2 lbs
    Rooster—-6 1/2 lb
    Pullet——4 1/2 lbs
    Cockerel—5 1/2 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Egg laying and ornamental; Production
  • Egg Shell Color: Green, Blue, Pink, Multi
  • Egg Production: 200-280 eggs per year (estimates only, see FAQ)
  • Egg Size: Medium-Large
  • Temperament: Active
  • Gender Accuracy: 80-85%
  • Fertility Percentage: 60-75%
  • Broody: Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 10 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 4 to 6 feet
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • APA: No
  • TLC: Not Listed
  • Breeder Farm Source: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline/strain of production type of Easter Egger™ Chickens since 1971.


The “Easter Egger™” chicken originally came from Chile in South America, discovered by the Araucana Indians. The true pure Araucana chicken is rumpless (tailless) , has a small curling tuft of feathers next to each ear and come in different pure color types. The true pure Ameraucana chicken has a tail, full beard and comes in pure color types. The Easter Egger chicken is different because they have a full beard under the beak rather than a tuft and have a tail rather than rumpless and do NOT have pure color types. Cackle Hatchery® breeding program objectives for the “Easter Egger™” chickens are to produce chickens with a wide variety of feather colors, patterns and feather combinations of colors with a full beard under the beak and high egg production of colorful egg shells. The color of their egg shells vary from pale blue chicken eggs to dark blue to various shades of green and a few light brownish/pink eggs. The meat is delicious and it has a taste similar to quail. We do not offer a specific color variety of this breed; however we do breed for a wide variety of colored feathers and egg colors. The Araucana chicken and Ameraucana chickens have a number of different color patterns being worked on all across the USA and are being shown in poultry shows. The Easter Egger™ chickens are great chickens for backyards, chicken coops, larger chicken houses and for raising free range chickens.

For a list of the best blue egg layers visit Cackle Hatchery’s Best Blue Egg Layers Blog.

NOTE: It should be noted that this breed has an inherent genetic beak issue. 1 out of 100 chicks as they grow may have some variance in severity of scissor beak/cross beak. This can be best described when the top and bottom beak do not align and this condition normally will get worse as they grow. There are numerous articles and information on the Internet on this subject. Also most Easter Egger™ chickens don’t inherit the lethal alleles from their parents unlike a lot of Araucana chickens. You can find more information about this issue on our Cackle Hatchery blog.

Many people who like this breed of chicken also like the miniature version of the breed (bantam) the Easter Egg Bantam Chicken.

We also have Easter Egger™ Started Pullets available to order.


Available   Low Availability   Unavailable  
Date Available?


Click link for details: Vaccination Policy


125 reviews for Easter Egger™ Chicken

Based on 37 reviews
5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star
  1. P


    Ordered three females with an assortment of other chicks and received four. All were completely different in color and I LOVED the variety. They are all healthy and happy and some of the friendliest hens in our flock.

  2. D


    We ordered 6 sexed EE in our order. 1 ended up being a rooster. I’m a little dissapointed that they all look very similar to each other. I was hoping they’d be a mix of colors. They all are mostly white with light orange/red coloring. Some are darker than others. 2 look exactly the same as eachother. The other 4 have small differences that if standing next to eachother I can tell the difference between them. They’re about 5 months old and 1 has started laying. It’s a very light green egg. I’m curious to see if the others will lay the same since they all look alike.

  3. L


    Very nice Easter Eggers. They have good dispositions, are pretty, and are good foragers.

  4. DC

    Deborah Collupy

    I ordered 4 Easter Egger Chicks in my original order of 15 (grew to 18 with the extras) sexed mixed flock chicks, and had received 5 beautiful Easter Eggers. At least four are laying colored eggs, (blue) and the other is laying a pinkish egg. All five are extremely friendly, and super good natured. Their personalities are all so different, and the colors of their feathers are so varied, so that each one can be identified easily by their appearance alone (try that with a Buff Orpington!) I never knew chickens could be so cuddly and sweet. A few of the girls actually seek us out for pets and cuddles. None of the chickens have cross beak. The only mild complaint I have is that one chicken is very independent, and has taken to flying over our 6 foot fence, to take solitary early morning free ranging walks. She is a bit of a free spirit, and I can’t begrudge her need to break away from the flock…

    Thank you Cackle for breeding some incredibly sweet, beautiful and productive chickens!

  5. S


    Update: 1 of my 10 Easter Eggers turned out to be a rooster. He is very sweet to people and kids but rather aggressive towards the hens – thankfully my other rooster keeps him in check. Also at 5 months of age they started laying. I must say I’m a little disappointed as only 2 out of my 8 Easter Egger hens lay colored eggs – the rest lay tinted/pinkish brown eggs. 😢 they are consistent layers though and extremely friendly. Beautiful feather colors as well.

  6. S


    I ordered and received 10 female Easter Eggers in my shipment of 22 (received 25). They all arrived healthy, happy, and friendly. I do find that Easter eggers in general are more flighty (more easily startled) than other breeds. But they always seem to mellow out into lap chickens as the grow. They are the largest so far out of all my different same age chicks. I was also really pleased at the variety of colors we got in our group of Easter eggers. I received 2 dark grey (blue)Easter Eggers, 2 splash EE, one that is white with red-ish pink barring, 1 solid black, 2 chipmunk patterned ones, and 3 dark grey with red heads!!!! My white and “pink” bared EE did develop scissor or cross beak but I sent photos to Cackle Hatchery and they quickly refunded me for her so I am more than satisfied. As mentioned by Cacklle, the sexing of Easter Eggers is not quite as accurate as with other breeds. I am suspecting that one of my splash, one of my chipmunk patterned ones, and possibly my solid black EE are roosters. They are all super sweet so I’m not too worried though. Overall I’m very pleased with my beautiful Easter Eggers and look forward to seeing their colorful eggs!! Thanks again Cackle Hatchery!!

  7. PP

    Paul Peterson

    Paul, Elizabethtown, NC
    Hatched at 5am on the June 5th and received them 7:30 am on the 7th. Awesome experience, we ordered 10 Easter Eggers and 5 Olive Eggers. We received two extras and all seventeen arrived healthy and started eating and drinking immediately. Thank you for a great first time experience.

  8. B


    My wife and I ordered 10 of these Easter Eggers last November and were notified on 2/15 that our order of 35 total chicks had shipped to us in California. Two days later, the USPS called to let us know we could pick them up. We actually received 39 chicks, all of them in eggsellent shape! We can’t wait for them to start laying eggs, for us and our friends! Thank you, Cackle Hatchery! We have already recommended Cackle Hatchery to others!

  9. N


    Best hatchery for on line ordering. The chicks are wonderful and great egg layers later on. 😉

  10. D


    I ordered seven Easter Egger pullets in my last order from Cackle Hatchery. One was dead upon arrival, but Cackle was nice enough to send an extra Easter Egger chick with my order so I still had my full order of seven birds. They were very robust and healthy chicks, and are still going strong now at around 8 weeks old.

    I would advise anyone ordering this breed that they seem to be a breed that’s harder to sex, so order more pullets than you need. Of my seven “pullets,” four are definite roosters, and I am keeping my eye on a fifth one who I’m giving the benefit of the doubt until I see it crowing along with the four other male songsters. While I do enjoy their cute little crows at this young age, and I am prepared to eat my extra boys, it was a bit disheartening to find quite so many boys in my pullet order. Since Cackle does guarantee a certain percent accuracy on sexed orders it does make the situation much less frustrating than it otherwise would be, and I do plan on contacting them before the 12 weeks is up.

    With the aforementioned caveat of ordering more than you need and having a plan for “oops” roosters, don’t hesitate to order this breed. They’re healthy, friendly birds, and it’s fun to watch what colors and feather patterns they grow into.

  11. C


    Over a year ago, I ordered 37 Easter Eggers and got over 40, I think. I am impressed on their foraging capabilities, but not too impressed with the egg size. I also ordered 4 Barred Rock females, 1 Rhode Island red rooster, and 5 Dominiques.
    I got 7 Dominiques and 5 Barred Rocks. The Barred Rocks are excellent foragers; the Dominiques, not so much. The Rhode Island Red was a little slow to develop. Other than the things I mentioned above, I am much impressed with the overall quality.
    M Stephenson

  12. JH

    Julia Harden

    Purchased 3 Rhode Island reds and 4 Easter Eggers and have been so pleased with them! I received 9 chicks, which gave me 1 extra of both breeds. I purchased all pullets, and although I did get two cockerels (one of each breed) I chalked it up to those were my “freebies” and I’m not concerned over it. Just homed one and decided to keep the other. Upon arrival they were very alert and healthy, and never lost a single one! They are currently 4weeks now. I would absolutely recommend Cackle to anyone wanted to mail order chicks!

  13. J


    Ordered 15 rainbow assorted, 3 easter eggers, and 3 black laced silver wyandotte and just picked them up from the post office. Ended up with 26 total and all were healthy and happy. Transferred them to the brooder and they were very active as soon as we put them in there. Trying to arrange the water and food and they are jumping right in our hands and they are all over the brooder. Awesome looking bunch of females and a great assortment as it seems we have many different ladies in the mix. Could not be happier to add this bunch to the family here on our small farm……

  14. M


    Given that I had heard that EEs can be late to lay, I was extra shocked to discover one of my 6month EEs was the first layer of my bunch (2 EE and 2 Speckled Sussex)! I received one brown and one gray chick in Aug and I have been so excited to see what color they lay – the gray now resembles a blue Ameraucana and accordingly lays a pale green egg, and the brown chick is very unique! I have yet to see another chicken that looks exactly like her but she looks like an olive egger + bielefelder neck coloring. I am hoping for an olive or blue egg from her! Both arrived happy and healthy, they are definitely the more vocal and more food-motivated compared to the Sussex. One is the proud queen bee and the other is flighty and the first to disappear when a shadow crosses the yard. Overall I have loved the color (feather and egg!) they add to my bunch and how much personality they have. I would easily order a dozen more just for the anticipation of discovering egg color!

  15. J


    This is my 2nd time ordering from Cackle Hatchery. I ordered a fairly even mix of Easter Eggers and Brown Leghorns . They arrived this morning (within 48 hours of shipping), all alive and with 2 extras. I can’t yet tell which are the males (I ordered 1 male of both types), but I can definitely tell the Easter Eggers from the Leghorns. They are all so incredibly cute, all active and healthy looking. I’ll try to add more info once they’ve grown some, but for now, I’m very pleased.

  16. DN

    Dianna Napier

    I’ve ordered several times from this company and am so pleased. Our chicks arrive within 2-3 days, usually they’re ready to be picked up from the post office less than 48 hours after they’ve shipped! They’ve always been in such great health and packaged perfectly. I cannot say enough good things about them; healthy chicks and great customer service! THANK YOU! I will be back to get more next year!

  17. J


    8 weeks later

    Awesome birds! We lost one out of the 17 delivered (we ordered 15). They are delightful with no problems. We did end up with one rooster but sexing is not an exact science. It’s actually fun having a rooster in my face when I open the coop in the am!

  18. C


    Good purchase!

    Bought 6 easter egger pullets and received 7. All are pullets. One developed pretty severe cross beak starting at a week old and didn’t make it. The others are very energetic, healthy and robust. We got 2 white and buff ones, a gray/blue one, a white one with a few black speckles, 2 brown/wheaten-ish/typical easter egger looking ones, and a dark brown one. All are very pretty and I’m excited for when they start laying.

  19. J



    All the chicks arrived in a very timely manner. they are all very healthy. They took right to water and food. We are very very very happy. We will definitely purchase here again!

  20. D


    Very good

    I am thank you very much for spending time monday night get the bird on the truck even though the storm that rolled thru you town I am impressed with how health the chick when they arrived thank you very much

  21. D


    So Happy!

    Just got my Easter Egger chicks yesterday and everyone is doing great! Thank you for the warning about tracking not always updating, they were still showing they were in St. Louis when I got the call from post office that I could pick them up! The chicks are beautiful and healthy and doing well. When we decide to expand our flock, we will definitely come back to Cackle Hatchery!

  22. FG

    Full grown now

    Got them 7 months ago

    I bought 8 female chicks with straight run order too. I didn’t get Easter Eggers but I got Olive Eggers. Out of the 8 “females” I had one rooster. He was the quietest so I kept him and got rid of the other roosters. Either by eating or giving away. Shipping was fast and I didn’t lose any chicks. Overall not too bad of a deal.

  23. E



    I love these easter eggers. They arrived in great condition and are wonderful. They are very beautiful and I’m happy about this company. They are quality birds.

  24. D


    So great I ordered again

    Just placed my second order for more chickens from Cackle. We had ordered Easter eggers and Silkies 2 years ago from Cackle and still have every single one of them healthy and strong. We found that we enjoy chicken keeping and the different personalities of the birds so much we just had to get more, even though that means I need to get busy building another coop! Sure you can try to get chicks easier like a local TSC, but you have a few breeds to pick from, they may not be the best breeds for your area and the knowledge is just not there. Cackle has everything, explains everything and gives you the healthiest best birds possible. Besides the trip to the local post office to pick them up is a great experience as well. You can hear your package as soon as you walk in the door and everyone needs to peek before you can take them home.

  25. AC

    Angela C

    Thank you!

    I ordered 15 Easter Eggers and received 18. I was so excited picking them up at the post office. All 18 are happy and healthy today. I got 1 rooster out of the 18 which I was so thankful for. Great customer service. My fluffs are laying beautiful blue, green, avocado, brown, pink and white eggs. They are so happy and healthy. LOVE my Fluffy butts. Thank you Cackle Hatchery. Angie

  26. JC

    Jessica C


    We are first-time chicken keepers and ordered 15 chicks from Cackle. Eighteen healthy chicks arrived, though one died a month later from malnutrition from a beak deformity. We loved that we were able to order five different breeds, all of which are as described– cold hardy, friendly, and very healthy. They are now five months old and were very chipper when we released them into the yard this morning while it was 18 degrees out. Our friendliest birds are the Speckled Sussex, followed by Buff Orpington, Cinnamon Queen, Easter Egger and Black Laced Red Wyandotte.

  27. AB

    Aaron B


    We’re very happy with Cackle Hatchery. We’ve ordered chicks from them several times now and it has been easy and straight forward and although we order small numbers and so have to pay the premium, they have been generous in ensuring we get the number of hens we ordered by usually including ~10% more chicks than the actual order. The chicks are always healthy and well packaged and we’ve never had one die or need to be nursed along–the most we’ve ever had to deal with was ONE chick that had pasty butt. For clarity, all the chicks we’ve ordered have been Easter Eggers; we haven’t ordered any pure-breed, meat, or specialty birds.

  28. RC

    Robert C


    We ordered 50 birds back in july. 15 easter eggers, 10 Jersey giants, 10 Buffs, 5 Leg horns, 5 welsumers, and 5 marans. All of the birds arrived alive which is amazing since we are located in hawaii! I would like to point out that they give you a full list of what you ordered/ got extra which was a really nice touch. We lost one bird at a few days old but Cackle sent us 60 birds instead of 50 so it wasn’t an issue. I would like to mention we ordered 10 roos that were all marked on their heads with paint which was amazing. Fast forward a few months. all of the birds made it besides that one we lost in the first few days. We have a few extra roos that we didnt order but I think they gave them to us because we ordered 5 buff roos and 5 jersey roos but zero egger roos. Also, all of the birds are very healthy and all seem to be growing to breed standards. I couldn’t be happier with my order. I have ordered from other hatcheries in the past and I have had many issues (wrong chickens, dead/ sick birds, bad packaging, the list goes on) none of those issues happened when I ordered from cackle. With all of that being said they are still a hatchery and the birds aren’t going to be the cream of the crop to say but they are damn close! If you want a decent flock with beautiful birds and you dont want to pay an absurd price to a private breeder cackle is your one stop shop!

  29. R


    Healthy chicks and helpful and friendly.

    We were going to order our chicks but decided instead just to go there and pick them up since it was only a 4 hour outing. We where greeted at the door. Everyone we met was very friendly and helpful. Glad we made the drive. We got 14 chicks and 5 weeks later we have 14 chicks. If possible make the drive. Thanks Cackle Hatchery.

  30. MF

    McKnight Family

    Blue Eggs

    Adorable personalities that lay blue eggs!

  31. D


    We Love Cackle Hatchery

    This is our second order from Cackle and we couldn’t be happier.
    The chicks are all healthy and strong. haven’t lost any .Our chickens have a friendly demeanor . The service is 5 star . Thank you Crystal and April.

  32. JB

    Jade Bracun

    Feather babies!

    We couldn’t be happier with your service ,Cackle folks, we’ve been wanting chicks for months now! My family and I have fallen in love with our new feather babies! About six of them had pasty butt , but it wasn’t the hatchery’s fault at all. We ordered sixteen chicks in all easter eggers , salmon faverolles, speckled sussex , cinnamon queens , and black australorp. They are so sweet and adorable ! We received 19 from you folks in all, by the way thanks for the three extra chickies! I couldn’t be more proud or more happy with our new family addition! We ordered a EE rooster, and we named him Benny. I think my all time favorite chick is Tilly , our salmon faverolle. She’s just so sweet ,inquisitive,and outgoing! They are all so beautiful and different , and their puffy thighs are just .. Too … Cute!Thank you all for the great service , we will continue to be your loyal customers when we need more chicks.

  33. A


    Great birds

    I was very impressed with the health and color of my Easter eggers. I have ordered EEs from another hatchery in the past, and was disappointed with the lack of variety. Of my order, one chick developed cross beak (which is genetic) and didn’t make it, but the rest have proven very hearty and are great layers. All lay blue/green eggs, all were female as requested, great color feather color, and they are super friendly.

  34. S@

    Sonia @ Bella Haga Farms

    Sweet and Beautiful!

    My chicks arrived in March 2018. Dolly, an almost white EE, jumped in my hand when I opened the box. She is ten months old and still that sweet and loving. Daisy and Denim, the other two EEs, are almost as sweet. Denim has gone broody once, but preferred to sit on a fake egg rather than a real egg. Comical. Two produce shades of green eggs while Denim’s is more on the aqua side. Love these girls!

  35. CS

    Commendable Service and Packing


    Over the past seven years we have ordered from over a dozen different hatcheries, including (and most often) Cackle. We have ordered from you for years and have always been impressed with the quality of the chicks, and your service which is above and beyond the average. Our most recent order, however, was even more remarkable – they shipped during extreme cold, and not only did they all arrive alive, they were boxed in the most exceptional and thoughtful packing of heat packs and straw pads we have ever seen, courtesy of your packer “Angie M”. All of the chicks from this order have continued to show the high standard of quality and good growth and health we have come to expect from your birds. Please give our regards to the packer of our order and keep up the amazing work. Thank you

  36. B


    First time customer

    I’m a first time customer with cackle. I have heard bad story’s that people have ordered easter Eggers fom hatcheries and they received all the same color, so on that note I was a little nervous . Well the chicks arrived on September 22 at 8am , I ordered 3 Easter Eggers and you sent me an extra one , black one, brownish one, and blueish one, and a lavenderish one. I can’t wait to see what colors they turn into , and I already love there personality. Thank you cackle hatchery very much I’m very impressed .

  37. C



    Wife very happy with the Chicks.

  38. A



    I would like to take the time and thank Cackle Hatchery. My chicks arrived and all alive and healthy. I can say that I will not order from anyone but you. I’ve ordered from other hatcheries and not the same satisfaction that I have with Cackle. Thank you so very much. Will always have my business. Your the #1 best of all.

  39. B


    Hi Cackle Hatchery

    Received my order yesterday. The chicks were in great shape. I have bought from you a few times and am amazed how efficient you are on your orders and how healthy all the birds are. Thank you again.

  40. B


    Thank You Cackle Hatchery

    Hi, as a first time orderer from Cackle Hatchery I wanted to take a minute and let you know how pleased with your service I have been. I ordered small order city/town chick offer and they arrived happy and healthy and on time. With an extra chick to spare!! Also ordered a small order of Guineas, hatchery choice, with a special request that I wasn’t sure you would be able to do but you came through!! As a first time customer i can’t tell you how impressed I have been with your attention to detail and care with shipping. All chicks/keets arrived happy and healthy, eating, drinking and ready to go. So want to say a big Thank You. I will be highly recommending you to anyone who wants a dependable source for poultry.

  41. C


    Best thing in the world

    The Easter Egger chicks are so cute and funny and innocent looking with their muffs and various color patterns I’ve never seen before:) They got named Lion Head, Tiger Face, Big Muff, Owl by my children. All of them are very healthy and eat and drink well. It’s midnight now. The fluff balls are resting their heads on each other’s backs and necks. How sweet it is.

  42. J


    You made our Family whole again.

    We had a weasel sneak into our outdoor brooder and kill 17 White Leghorns that were 8 weeks old. The loss was horrendous, and compounded by the fact that they were hatched by my youngest daughter’s first grade class. We sat down as a family, and the seven of us narrowed it down to four breeds for a new batch of chickens. 3 Black Jersey Giants Females and 2 Males, 3 Black Laced Golden Wyandottes F , 3 Dominiques F, and 6 Easter Eggers F. We have an existing adult flock of 10 mixxed Isa Browns, White Leghorn, and Easter Eggers, all Female. We ordered two days before a hatch date. We received our chicks two days later delivered to our door, after they got kicked out of the post office for being too loud. 23 chicks in wonderful shape; an extra male Giant, 2 extra female giants, 1 extra female Wyandotte, and 2 extra Easter Egger females. We dipped little beaks in water and its been balls full out since then. 100% survival at 6 days old!!! Perfect total flock ratio of 3 males and 30 females(Barring any surprise roosters). My kids are happy, my wife is happy, and I am very happy. If every online purchase was this satisfying I might never go to another brick and mortar store again. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Cackle. You have our business for life.

  43. J


    Healthy Birds

    We received our order of 19 Easter Egger chicks (17 female, 2 male) very quickly. All were alive and healthy. We hardly had any pasty butt issues. This was about 6 months ago…they are all grown now, with a beautiful variety of colors. Some are cream and brown, some gray and brown, some black and gold, some cream and gray. No signs of crossbeak. A much better experience than our previous order from another hatchery, where 1 chick was DOA and 2 more died in the first week.

  44. R


    Very neat chickens!

    This is an add-on to my previous review. The Easter Eggers are now grown and laying. One hen turned out to be a rooster and one hen was killed by a raccoon. early on. They are good layers so far and the eggs are Robins egg blue and a pinkish-tan. They are pretty small and I don’t know if they will increase in size as the girls grow to full size. They are very beautiful and the rooster is amazing. He takes care of the girls and they are very active. They like getting up high and seem to run everywhere they go! They aren’t as friendly as I’d like compared to my Welsummers, Buff Orps and Olive Egger. Great chickens!

  45. A


    Such unique hens!

    We ordered 3 easter eggers and received 4 (they hatched on July 24, 2017). Each one of them looks different; one of them is pure white, the other is a beautiful dark blue, one of them a blue/orange mix, and the other a blue/silver/white mix. We got our first OLIVE GREEN egg when they were about 23-24 weeks and have since received a minty green, pale blue, and a pale brown/pink egg. What cracks me up is that all of these hens have COMPLETELY different temperaments. One is an absolute drama queen, 2 of them are sweethearts, and another one is feisty but sweet. Anyways, this breed lays consistently (we get 2-3 eggs a day) and they are great free-rangers and pets!!!

  46. S


    Very pretty & very hardy!

    My brother ordered 4 day old Easter Egger chicks from Cackle Hatchery last spring but was sent 5, four hens and one “bonus” rooster. After raising them to about 3 months, he decided city chickens were too much work and sent them to live with us on the farm where they joined our 7 Easter Eggers, which are 5 weeks older. The chicks from Cackle are much more hardy and healthy than those we purchased from a very reputable Iowa hatchery; we’ve already lost one to a severe crop impaction, one to ovarian cancer and another has been living with a pendulous crop since April. Those from Cackle are also much friendlier, prettier and varied in their color. I don’t think our local hatchery is bad (maybe we just got a bad batch?) but I think Cackle is better and I have placed an order with them for 6 more birds this spring: 3 Easter Eggers & 3 olive eggers.

  47. R


    Amazing chickens!

    I ordered 5 of these Easter Eggers and wasn’t sure what to expect. They are mostly grown now and I’m very excited by them. They are just amazingly colored and very alert and active. I can hardly wait to start getting the colored eggs. All 5 are totally differently colored and marked. Absolutely awesome to look at and watch.

  48. AT

    Allison Tennessee 2015

    Safe Arrival!!!

    I just want to take a moment to say thank ALL ya”ll at the hatchery for my beautiful new babies. Each and everyone arrived safely and healthy and perfectly beautiful! Truly precious!! I had a predator take away one of my momma birds with her 5 babies and was just crushed. My heart hurt. It still makes me cry. You have filled the sad void and replaced it with God’s sweet new creatures. They are settling in with a buff hen to keep them safe and warm in their new home. Your shipping was fast, efficient, absolutely excellent. I am so pleased with the communication for pick up. Your services exceed my expectations and I will definitely be a regular customer. I don’t Facebook but you are more than welcome to post my comment for others to know what a great service you provide. I must go now and check on the babies…better than color TV!!!

  49. T


    Awesome hatchery

    Cackle is by far the best to order from. Not only did I get the 25 chicks I ordered but got 2 extra and they arrived a day early. Will order again next year.

  50. L


    Happy Customer

    I chose to order my chicks from Cackle Hatchery because the website really impressed me and I was confident I would receive happy healthy chicks. I was not disappointed! I received my chicks on 3/23/17 so I have had them for 5 days now. All 15 I ordered arrived happy and healthy and to my surprise I had 2 extra chicks! This is something I have been looking forward to for a very long time, my first time raising chicks of my own! I love that I was able to order a variety of different breeds for a diverse flock. I am over the top happy with my chicks and Cackle Hatchery. I have even ordered a shirt, can cozies, a sign “I love my Cackle Hatchery chicks” and chicken socks: ) !!! I want to show my appreciation for such a fun new chapter in my life! Being a momma hen!!

  51. DG

    Dobie gal

    Cackle is the bomb

    I ordered some chicks earlier this year. As always, they all were alive. I really like the Cinnamon Queens and EE, however I noticed that the EE are prone to bumblefoot more than the others. They have not dies, but the 3or 4 that are affected have lost toes, but they are certainly hardy and have learned to live with the missing toes and deformed feet. They are gentle and allow me to doctor them with no fuss or pecking. The eggs are a beautiful sea foam green on most, some more pale than others. I will probably go back to leghorns and try my luck on the Salmon Faverolles next spring. The Cinnamon Queens are a bit aggressive, but the others have learned to stay away from them. My black laced silver wyandottes are also doing well.

  52. T


    Excellent quality

    I ordered 15 Easter Eggers and 10 Cinnamon Queens. All arrived alive and in good health. 3 weeks later, all are still alive. I have not had success like this from other hatcheries. You are the best. I highly recommend Cackle to everyone.

  53. CL

    Chicken Lover

    Cackle Is The Best

    I purchased 6 EE hens chicks they sent 8 all have lived and only one cross beak…You can’t ask for better than that…Especially to NC. Buy with confidence this is the best hatchery out there!!!!!

  54. J


    Sexed EEs

    2 of my 3 sexed female EE’s ended up being roosters. All the chicks I ordered arrived healthy and they are all still alive. Just a little disappointed that I only got one hen when I paid extra for females.

  55. J


    Great little chicks

    First-time chicken owner! I ordered 3 EE pullets and 3 Welsummer pullets and Cackle was nice enough to send an extra EE. All arrived safely and although they’re only about two weeks old right now, they don’t appear to have any sign of illness or deformities. I’m so excited to see what the EEs will look like and what color eggs they’ll have when they’re older. Right now all the chicks are a pale yellow with some gray and tan, but there’s enough variation between them even at this age that I think they’ll all look a little different when they’re older. They seem to be slightly more comfortable around people than the Welsummers and one EE in particular would crawl into my hand on the first day and seems to enjoy being petted. I’m hoping these gals will last me several years, but I would definitely order from Cackle again. Thanks!

  56. LF

    Lacy from Oklahoma

    Easter Eggers

    In September 2016, I ordered several different chicken breeds from Cackles. All 28 chicks arrived alive and well. Only one had pasty butt (one of the EE chicks) and I thought she would die but she pulled through (she grew up to lay med sized green eggs for me). I ordered 7 EE chicks and was sent an extra one for free. 4 black and 4 white/cream/pastel colored EE chicks. I lost 3 of them to a possum before they started to lay (my fault). Of the 5 still alive, one lays an extra large blue egg! Another lays a large blue green egg and three lay green eggs med to large in size. Overall, I’m very happy with all my chickens from Cackles and expecially happy with my EE. They are good at free ranging during the day.

  57. T


    Happy, beautiful, healthy chicks !

    i am so pleased; they carry the standard, not just the bantams!!! i’ve been looking for a reg. sized easter egg chicken for a while now. They sent me 3 happy & healthy little females. i just so happened to get a color variety, even though there were just 3 i ordered. One was grayish – blue!!! i have never had a solid ” blue ”
    chicken before. she is so pretty! (of course, the brown one & the white one are, stunning, as well.) they are extremely resilient; they are growing FAST & are VERY strong!!! they are some of the most outgoing of all my baby chicks ,but are also very calm & docile when handled. 🙂

  58. C


    very happy

    we ordered 3 easter egger, 15 comet,and 7 cinnamon queen. They arrived all alive. They are now 4 week old and all of them are happy and healthy. Plus they gave us 1 extra of each. So we have 28 chicks!!!They are free range. Our first time to raise chicken and we are glad we ordered at cackle hatchery.We will be a repeat costumer.

  59. C


    EE Chicks

    I ordered 17 female birds (5 Easter Eggs, 5 Buff Orpington, 5 White Leghorns, 2 Khaki Campbell Ducks) and ALL were alive and healthy straight out of the shipping box. They’re all a week old now and absolutely thriving!
    This was my first time ordering chicks online and I was a little hesitant at first but Cackle Hatchery is great! I will be a repeat buyer.

  60. R



    My chicks were hatched and shipped during one of the coldest weeks we had this year. All 16 arrived alive thanks to Cackle putting in a heat pad and USPS trying to keep them out of the cold as much as possible. I was very impressed. Will order again. 13 Leghorns 3 Easter Eggers.

  61. J


    EE chicks

    I am super excited to have received my chicks today. Order 25 pullets and 5 roos. I got 35 in my order and only lost one from MO to Upstate NY. I thought for sure after Storm Stella I would receive a box of dead chicks. They arrived earlier than I expected and with in an hour chirping and bouncing all over. Really happy with my first order from Cackle.

  62. EJ

    Erica J.

    Great experience

    Purchased 15 chicks–speckled sussex, easter egger, cinnamon queen, buff orpington and dark brahmas. I was sent two extra–buff orpington and easter egger. All chicks arrived super healthy and on time. It was a great experience with Cackle Hatchery from start to finish, and I’m so pleased since this was my very first experience purchasing chicks.

  63. E


    Easter Egger

    Just got my EE got to say cackle was the tops with all my questions prior to deciding what breed I wanted. Chicks arrived healthy and full of spunk, wont buy from anywhere else.
    P.S. First time buyer long time raiser.

  64. CP

    Cindy, Pleasant Hill, MO

    I bought four Easter Egger pullets at Chick Day at the Pleasant Hill feed store. I LOVE these girls! Not only are they beautiful, they are sweet natured and are consistent egg layers. I’m definitely buying more in 2017.

    I bought four Easter Egger pullets at Chick Day at the Pleasant Hill feed store. I LOVE these girls! Not only are they beautiful, they are sweet natured and are consistent egg layers. I’m definitely buying more in 2017.

  65. S


    Love these birds!

    We ordered 6 Easter Eggers and received 7 on time and in excellent, healthy condition. We gave them water with electrolytes right away, and they were so much fun to handle as chicks. They are now about 5 months old, and we can’t wait to see the colored eggs they will lay! They have a wonderful disposition and are a favorite of my kids to play with. Of all 35 of our chickens (5 different breeds), we have only lost 2, which happened to be Easter Eggers, to hawks. Not sure if it was a coincidence or if they have a harder time escaping predators, but we sure do love them!

  66. MA

    Michael and Katherine

    Cutest chicks ever!

    Thank you Cackle! My chicks arrived all in great health and the variety of colors is amazing! Post office called and let me pick them up before the opened! My family loves them all! Thank you again!

  67. J



    Chicks arrived very healthy and on time 8/19/2016 . Thanks Cackle

  68. D


    Love my Chicks

    Ordered 8 EE. I would like to thank you for a fast shipment, My chicks arrived today and were in very good condition. Thank you all for a great job.

  69. C


    Very pleased!

    Extremely pleased with my new babies! Cackle Hatchery picked out four random pullets so I got a nice little mix of colors. All arrived happy and healthy, and very friendly. I can’t wait to get them out of the brooder and into their permanent home with our four momma hens.
    Next spring’s order: A dozen Guinea Fowl! Can’t wait!

  70. C


    Great Hatch!

    Great Chicks! All Arrived healthy! Got a few Extra!

  71. FH

    Feathered Heart

    Easter Egg Chickens Rule!!

    I actually have three Easter Egg Chickens, one from Cackle and two from a local feed store. One has a scissor beak (manageable with proper beak care and feeding techniques), but all three are absolutely beautiful and have the absolute best personalities. Some refer to these chickens as “chicken mutts” (one of mine actually looks to be mixed with salmon faverolles), but in my opinion, they’re one of the neatest looking, friendliest, most laid back chicken breeds out there. Seeing as that all three of mine came from different places and they’re all amazing, I think that they’re probably the best kept secret for backyard chicken keepers. What’s also cool is that they come in so many different colors and sizes; no two look alike. The baby I got from Cackle (her name is Eleanor) is an absolute doll and the belle of the coop. Great job, Cackle Hatchery!

  72. P


    Thanks Cackle

    I had ordered 25 in April and received 29 which I was very pleased.I lost only 3 of these in shipment so I still have 26.Out of these I did have 2 that had developed scissor beak one is not really bad and does very well but the other one has a severe case but is all ok because this cant be helped. It is great to do business with a company like this.Thanks Cackle Hatchery for the many different colors that they come in!!!

  73. K


    very satisfied

    I ordered 12 of these chicks a little over a month ago. The hatchery sent me an extra two chicks.. unfortunately the extra two didn’t make it 🙁 But this meant I still received the 12 I paid for. They were healthy upon arrival. They are now a little over 5 weeks old and sweet as can be!! All are doing well (including the two ducklings I ordered) I will definitely be ordering again in the future. Thank you!!!

  74. M


    Couldn’t be happier!!!!!

    Oh my gosh…. I received my small order of 10 EE and 5 guineas today. I opened the box and FELL in LOVE! Those little chubby cheeks have me hooked! I received 11 chicks, so we have an extra now. All appear to be VERY healthy. This is my first time ordering and having birds shipped. I’ll admit I was hesitant, and I little nervous to open the box. I’m a little squeamish about dead things! To my surprise, every baby was alive and doing better than any babies I’ve ever purchased before. Excellent communication throughout the order/shipping process. I will DEFINITELY recommend your hatchery to everyone and will reorder in the future. Thank you for such a pleasant experience!

  75. DP

    Denna P.

    Extremely happy!

    Received my chick’s a day early! So excited! They all ( ordered 10 EE, 4 silver laced and 4 welsummers… got 11 EE and 5 silver laced!) All were healthy, beautiful and are taking great to their new home! So glad I found this site to order from.I plan to expand in the fall, I’m also a newbie, and will order from you again. Thank you so much for beautiful and healthy chicks!!!!

  76. A


    Scissor beaked EE chicks

    Love my baby Chick, four weeks old now. But sad that I ended up with two scissor beaked chickens. From what I am reading they may have a good life as long as they can eat and drink. Hope I don’t lose them due to this deformity!

  77. D


    Excellent product and service

    I had looked at many chicks locally and was not impressed by the care they were given or the general quality of the birds. I ran across your hatchery on the internet and, after reading several reviews, decided to try your birds. I ordered 10 Easter Eggers and 8 assorted others. All birds arrived in excellent condition with 2 extras. I am very satisfied with the condition and quality of the birds. They are feeding and drinking well and I look forward to years of enjoyment. Thank You Cackle Hatchery. I will definitely recommend your services.

  78. JI

    Jim in Washington State

    Awesome batch

    I ordered 20 female chicks last Tuesday. On Wednesday I was notified that they would arrive on Friday – which they did. You sent 22 – which was a pleasant surprise – and all 22 of them arrived healthier than expected. All are growing fast. I hope they are all hens… Thank you very much.

  79. SM

    Star Missouri 2016

    Dear Folks at Cackle

    Just want to say thank you for my chicks. I’m sure a tiny order like this one is hardly given a second thought. However this being our first chicks we were very excited and even so pleased with our order. All ten little ones are doing well and thriving in their new home. Thanks Again

  80. AE

    Amelia Eggheart

    Healthy, fun birds

    I ended up with a male out of my two sexed females. Luckily, I live in an area where I could keep a rooster and am so glad I did. He’s a fantastic animal who has taught me so much about chickens. The female is much more reserved and we call her Squeakers because she startles easily. She’s flighty, but he is not. Huge variance in personally. They’re both big, bigger than other EEs I see from different hatcheries and have full muffs and beards and slate/gray/blue legs. Very cute.

    She lays light turquoise eggs that are large and torpedo shaped and stated laying at about 30 weeks. She takes a winter seasonal break but starts right up again, only stopping for about a month during the shortest days. Her lay pattern is 3 egg days followed by 1 off day, so 6.5 epw!

  81. S



    I have had easter eggers twice from yall and I must say I have enjoyed them each time. I am going to try your olive eggers this year and hope to have all pullets.. Keeping my fingers crossed

  82. G


    some of the nicest chickens

    I ordered these last May from Cackle along with other chicks my breath was taken away (in a good way). Every chick were a different color I didn’t know what to expect, my first time having these all of them lay blue to blue green eggs. These chickens are very sweet none of these try to peck me when I check under them for eggs. I am NOT disappointed. I even ordered a bunch of chicks for my brother :@)

  83. C


    I Love my EE Chickens

    I ORDERED 15 Easter Egger Pullets in august, all arrived alive. Sent where 17 chicks, with two ended up being cockerels, both grew up to be super nice boys. I love the gentle disposition of these birds, even the roosters are nice !

  84. GK

    Gina K

    User Friendly

    Just ordered my chicken babies. The prices were the best I found anywhere. It was easy to set up an account or I could have checked out as a guest. Looking forward to receiving my babies and doing business with Cackle in the future.

  85. C


    Labeling Easter Eggers Correctly

    Cackle Hatchery on behalf of the Ameraucana Community THANK YOU so much for labeling your Easter Eggers Correctly !

    Im glad you don’t follow the business practice of other hatcheries, by selling Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas. Its the saddest thing to see a 4H kid get his/her bird disqualified because it was actually an Easter Egger and not Ameruacana.

    Im glad you offer an official recognized color as well. I will be definitely be spreading the word around that you guys do business right.

  86. C


    Wonderful Chickens

    Cackle has the industry beat on beautiful Americana chickens. The ones I ordered from you last summer are some of the most beautiful chickens I have ever seen.

    I hope to save up enough money to get some black Americanas! They are some of the most healty and intelligent chicks in the world!

  87. JC

    Joan California August 2011

    Hi Cacklers!

    Just wanted to say thank you for the healthy happy Easter Egg chicks that you sent to us this Spring. They are beautiful birds all pullets as requested, and all five are now laying beautiful green eggs of various shades. We ordered your 5 City/Town Special in January and they were sent to us on March 7. Our post office called me at 1:30 the next day to tell me that they’d arrived safetly;all the way to California. When we picked them up the parcel handling supervisor told us he’d never seen chicks packed so securely and that he’s put his ear to the box to hear them peep. He said that usually chicks arrived cold stressed and screaming so they put them next to the heater to soothe them but he wasn’t worried about Cackle chicks. All grew up to be friendly curious and active girls. My husband who used to hate chickens after childhood spent processing and cleaning chickens for his uncle’s store, now goes out and talks and visit with “the girls” every morning. Next time we order more chicks we will be sure to order from you-Cackle birds and Cackle service is the best!

  88. DM

    Deborah Missouri June 2009

    Chicks arrived safely!

    Just wanted to let you know all the chicks arrived safe and sound. They were immediately given water, and chick food was made available (including the boiled egg yolk you recommended) They took to it instantly! We kept them inside with a light for the first night to allow them to get settled then moved them to a broody hen in a previously prepared brooder area the following night. Our little momma hen is happily clucking over her new brood and the entire family seems very happy. Thanks

  89. PM

    Paul Minnesota July 2009

    Cackle Hatchery

    Thank you for my order of chickens on the above po#. We ordered 25 Ameraucana pullets and 25 frypan special cockeriels. One was dead in shipping and we haven’t lost one since and it will be three weeks on Monday. That is a super mortality rate if you ask me and I sure do appreciate the LIVELY and HEALTHY chicks we got from you. I have gotten chicks from a number of sources before but am satisfied beyond my expectations with the chicks I received from you. Thank you again for the great chicks.

  90. JM

    Janet, Michigan August 2011

    Cackle Hatchery

    I would like to personally thank you for the Easter Egger chicks. I am very pleased with my purchase. This was my second time purchasing and will purchase again from you next year. Every chick made it with no problems and they are very very pretty. Thank you for mixing the colors. The Buff Orpington that I purchased from you about 4 months ago are all doing very well, not laying yet but that is ok. The Buff Orpington rooster is so pretty, lots of gold color in him. Again just wanted to send you a note of thanks.

  91. GC

    Gina, California July 2012

    prize winning chickens

    We ordered 40 from you for our first time project. We just took 2 sets of meat pens to the fair and received supreme champion and reserve champion. Not bad for our first time. The judge said they were so nice they could go to the state fair. They received 80.00 for each pen. Not toooo bad. Just wanted to let you know how impressed we are with your Cornish Cross chickens and we will order again.

  92. KC

    Kimberly, Connecticut June 2012

    Thank You

    I had a great experience with Cackle. Mu recent order of day old chicks went smoothly. I wanted to credit everyone from the person in the call center who took the order to the shipping department who sent them out with tracking number. I couldn’t be happier with Cackle’s delivery confirmation system. I wanted to thank everyone at Cackle for making this last order everything that I expected it to be.

  93. KA

    Kristen, Arkansas March 2012

    Attn: Customer Service

    I just wanted to let you know that I received the rest of my order of EE’s and 5 Welsummers this morning and they look absolutely perfect. I just wanted to take a moment and let everyone know that I am one satisfied customer and you guys do a good business. You were generous with the amount of extras you put in my order and you very quickly resolved the mixup in my first shipment at no cost to me. Your service reps are always helpful and take care of any issues immediately. Special thanks to Sharyl in that department. You guys just keep doing what you do best and I will be telling my friends about you!

  94. NM

    Nannette, March 2012

    Our order

    Your baby chicks arrived on time and in great shape. They are settling in nicely. Thank you for doing a great job at the hatching and sending part. And we really appreciated the very helpful descriptions regarding bird/breed characteristics. GOOD JOB!…WELL DONE!

  95. BK

    Barb, Kansas March 2012

    Love our babies

    Just wanted to update you on our week old 15 babies (5 Blue Polish, 5 White Silkies and 5 Easter Eggers). They are all healthy and doing great!

  96. JA

    Jerry, Arizona March 2012

    Chicken order

    I just wanted to send you some feedback on an order you sent me. They arrived all healthy and are doing great!!! My wife and I wanted to thank you for the way you handled the order and the quality of the chicks you sent us.

  97. BM

    Bill, Missouri February 2013

    Thank You

    I’m just wanting to express my thanks to you for the five different breeds of chicks that I got from your hatchery Feb 12th. They are doing quite well, one or two of the chicks has a soft poop but still seem to be full of energy. Being I never experienced chicks before, I was really surprised at how fast they grow. On the fifth day I had to extend my wall of the brooding area because they would jump and or fly over my twelve inch high pen. I did lose one of the barred rocks around the third or fourth day. I actually expected to lose two or three but I am blessed to have lost only one. Thanks for good service, information and kindly taking the time to answer my many questions.

  98. PM

    Paul, Missouri March 2013

    Cackle Hatchery

    Chicks look great. Thank you for your great service.

  99. CI

    Cindy, Iowa April 2013

    Cackle Hatchery Order

    Just wanted to let you know that I got my chicks yesterday afternoon. All arrived alive through a couple seemed a little weak. This morning however they are all doing great! All are eating and drinking well. It has been a great experience doing business with you! You will definitely continue to get my business and I will be sure to recommend you to my friends. Thanks!!!

  100. TW

    Ted, Wisconsin June 2013

    Cackle Hatchery

    We just wanted to let you know that all chicks survived the journey and are doing well. They arrived at our post office at 7:00 am on Friday. Your service has been exemplary! We wish other American companies would display the commitment and pride in quality & customer satisfaction that the people at Cackle Hatchery display! You are all a fine example of the True Meaning & Spirit of the American Free Enterprise System! Pat yourselves on the back, you deserve it!!!

  101. EM

    Elizabeth Maine March 2014


    I want to tell you how much I like the qualities of your birds and their eggs. I hope that I will have many more amazing years with your chickens! THANK YOU!

  102. SP

    Sigfrido Puerto Rico May 2010

    Cackle Hatchery

    As you can see I live in Puerto Rico. My chicks were sent Wednesday and arrived today Friday. All of them alive and in perfect condition. Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and will definitely will do business again.

  103. MM

    Michelle Mississippi

    Thank You

    Thank you so much! Our chickens arrived at the post office this morning and are settled in their new home. We are so excited! This was the 1st time we ordered chickens and you made it a wonderful experience!!!!

  104. VO

    Vicki Oregon June 2010


    Our babies arrived safe and sound, and are adorable. Thank You!

  105. AT

    Alexis Texas March 2015

    Cackle Customer Compliment

    I want to praise Renae for placing my crazy order today! She is an absolute Rock star!!!I really appreciate the excellent customer service i have received with this order and my previous one! I will be a forever customer, thank you for being the best hatchery. Thanks

  106. JK

    Jay Kansas June 2014


    We received our package of chicks this morning at 7:30 am. All were healthy. Thank you a bunch for your service. We are looking forward to raising our leghorns, Rhode Island Red, Easter Egg and Black Australorps. We also appreciate the information you send concerning the first few weeks of caring for our chicks. It is detailed and helpful. Thanks again for your great service.

  107. DA

    Denny Arkansas April 2015


    I would like to say I am happier with the chickens i got from your Hatchery than any others I have raised, I have kept chickens for the last 25 years and this flock is the best. They are docile and right now I am getting 18-20 eggs per day from 24 hens. You can bet when I recycle these girls I will be ordering from you again. Once again Thanks.

  108. RM

    Robert Maine May 2011

    Cackle Hatchery

    Thank you so much for the wonderful chicks. They are all so kind. Some of them even will jump into my lap when I make a clicking noise. It is looking good for our chickens. Thank you.

  109. SW

    Sue Wisconsin Sept 2009


    I ordered Easter Eggers and wanted to tell you how pleased i am with your stock. They have recently started laying and I have an array of color of eggs. They range from light green to a pinkish hue. The chickens themselves are very sweet natured and actually come when they are called. I would easily choose your hatchery again when I’m ready to get more chicks. They are healthy and give me an egg per day per chicken. Thanks,

  110. EM

    Elmer Michigan January 2011

    Cackle Hatchery

    Received our chicks on the morning of the 10th. All fifteen were in great shape and are doing well. One of the silver laced Wyandottes pullets will attack my wife’s finger every time she puts it near the feeder and wiggles it back and forth. We put a mark on her so we know it is always the same one. We hope to get our order in earlier next year for some Marans. Appreciate the good service. Thank you!

  111. GM

    Gloria, Massachusetts May 2015

    Thank You!

    I just wanted to say thank you, to whoever picked out my chicks did a fantastic job. Each Turken had different coloring and markings and all the others I received are beautiful colors too. They are so healthy looking too fluffy/chubby little chicks. This is my first time with these breeds look forward to watching them grow.

  112. AT

    Allison Tennessee July 2015

    Safe Arrival!!

    I just wanted to take a moment to say thank ALL ya’ll at the hatchery for my beautiful new babies. Each and every one arrived safely and healthy and perfectly beautiful! Truly precious! Your shipping was fast efficient and absolutely excellent. I am so pleased with the communication for pick-up. Your services exceed my expectations and I will definitely be a regular customer. I must go now and check on the babies…better than color TV!!!

  113. JM

    Janie, Missouri May 2014

    Cackle Hatchery

    I received my chicks today and found all but 1 made it alive not bad odds for ordering 70 chicks. Thank you for the chicks and I am looking forward to ordering more.

  114. JO

    Julie Oklahoma May 2015

    Thank You!

    I just wanted to say thank you! This was my first experience with chickens!. All chicks arrived safely and none were lost! The tracking was great. I knew when the chicks arrived and was able to be at the PO when it opened. Your YouTube videos and chick care instructions are fantastic. The chicks are now one week old and doing great. Again, thank you so much for making this a great experience.

  115. MM

    Marge Massachusetts July 2011

    A Very Satisfied Customer

    Just wanted you to see your beautiful chics and turkeys that arrived ALL ALIVE and well. I’ve purchased from various hatcheries over the years and you are by far the BEST of the BEST. You called to let me know when my chics would be arriving, you even called me at work so I could pick the chics up on the way home. You always slip in an extra or so for the just in case issues. You are kind enough to call when hatches weren’t quite ready. You are able to add to my order the last minute, with beautiful stock- not sloppy seconds. Your employees are polite and helpful on the phone and the internet. All in all, you are my company for purchasing poultry always.

  116. NM

    Nina Missouri July 2011

    Babies are HERE

    Well our babies are here! They arrived safely and are all doing well. Which is why there has been almost no email….

  117. BP

    Barbara Pennsylvania July 2011

    Hello Cackle Hatchery

    We received our 2 separate orders of chicks over the last 2 weeks. We were delighted to see the quality of chicks you sent us. All are very healthy, vigorous and growing rapidly. No problems. Thank You . I do believe that these are by far the best chicks we have ever received from anyone. We added your Rhode Island Reds Ameraucanas(EE) and New Hampshire Reds to our egg laying flock. What awesome chicks you sent. All arrived in great health and look wonderful. Thank you again. We will not hesitate to order again.

  118. J&

    Jeremy & Jaclyn Kansas June 2011

    Cackle Hatchery

    Thank you for the timely delivery of our 25 new chicks. We ordered them Tuesday, shipped Wednesday and we received them today. They are all healthy and alive and are full of life and vigor. You will received our continued support. Thanks Again,

  119. JM

    Joy Maine June 2011


    This is our fourth year of ordering chicks and yours are the most beautiful we have had. I also appreciate how well they were packed and the instructions for the first day and afterward…my grandson is REALLY an excuse for ME to get the birds…I have 28 adults at present but have never had a Marans…look forward to eggs in Nov/Dec…they’ll have their own side of the coop with an electric heather, so they should be good. Many many thanks…

  120. SI

    Sean Illinois June 2011

    Recent Orders

    I really wanted to reach out to you and let you know what an awesome business you are running! I’m in insurance and have the privilege of working with many commercial businesses and I can say that you company is one of the best I’ve dealt with. I am recently working with Gale and she was just great. I’ve dealt with several others and everyone is always extremely nice and willing to think outside the box to accommodate the customer. You guys have helped me through several issues with ordering and cancelling orders and I really just want to thank you and all of your employees. You can be sure that I will be recommending you to everyone and I look forward to a long term relationship. Thanks again for being on of the few businesses left that truly cares about their customers.

  121. JN

    Joann Nevada May 2011

    Dear Folks at Cackle Hatchery

    Our turkeys and chickens arrived today at the post office. They made it just fine…all but one turkey. And I think you sent an extra chick. They are in their brooder boxes and such and are doing fine. I want to thank all of you for your work and patience with me as a first time buyer and I look forward to doing business with you in the future.

  122. RT

    Rebekah, Texas May 2011

    Product from Cackle Hatchery

    I just wanted to let you know for your records that the shipment was received on 05/03/11 and all the chicks were healthy and as of 05/09 all are doing fantastically! I will definately use Cackle Hatchery in the future!

  123. DW

    Denis, Wisconsin May 2011

    Chicks Arrived

    Our order shipped 05/11/11 arrived with all chicks in health condition. Thank you for the excellent service and quality poultry.

  124. JC

    Joan California March 2011


    Thank you so much for the healthiest batch of Easter Egger pullets that we’ve ever received!. We’vw tried this breed from two other reputable hatcheries and yours are the strongest and the calmest we’ve ever seen. Special thanks for the wonderful packaging included in the City/Town Pullet Special 5 chicks. You shipped our chicks on Monday and we received them Tuesday by 1:30 California time. They were warm and strong and immediately started drinking and eating as if they’d always been in our brooder.

  125. SI

    Sabine, Illinois (received March 2014)


    Just wanted to send out a quick THANK YOU for a job well done. We ordered some Easter Egger chicks (16 pullets and 2 cockerels), they shipped out past Monday and arrived well packaged, happy and healthy at our local post office on Wednesday morning, making everyone smile with their little chirps. I am certain that you get a fair amount of complaints when the smallest thing goes wrong, so I just wanted to say THANKS for doing well and let you know that your hard jobs are very much appreciated.

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