Cuckoo Marans Started Pullet

As low as: $164.50

Cuckoo Marans Started Pullet – 15 to 22 Weeks Old

Shipped Only Year Round.  No Pick up Orders. 
Started Pullets are 34.00 ea.  Shipping charges are non refundable.

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Cuckoo Marans Started Pullets are 34.00 each for a 15 to 22 week old female. 
Shipping and Handling Charges: 1 bird-$227.00  2 birds-$261.00 
These pullets have been vaccinated for Marek’s disease with no additional charge. 
 The Marans is now officially a recognized breed of the Continental Class by the American Poultry Association. The Cuckoo Marans were developed in France in the town of Marans during the mid 1800’s. It is a dual purpose bird and is known for its deep chocolate brown eggs though some eggs may have some speckled dark pigments in the egg shell. The brown egg color can vary in darkness as the hens go through their laying cycles. Vitamin K and calcium can have some limited help with keeping the dark brown egg shell color. They are a fast growing bird and a very rare breed here in the United States. The Cuckoo Marans have a black and white feather color pattern similar to the Barred Plymouth Rock. Cackle Hatchery®’s Cuckoo Marans have limited/to no feathers on their legs and are a production type blood line. 
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Not available for residents of Minnesota, Virgin Islands, Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico.


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