Classroom Baby Poultry Brooder Starter Kit


FREE SHIPPING on all supply order totals exceeding $25.00.

Item #BE11


Out of stock


Includes Cackle’s own reusable plastic corrugated corral, brooder light with 6 ft. cord and clamp, 125 W infrared brooder bulb, 2 screw on plastic quart waterers, 2 screw on plastic quart chick feeders, 144 cu. in. pine shavings, 3 pack of Probiotic, 3 pack of vitamin/ electrolytes, small thermometer, Happy Hen Treat Mealworm Frenzy, Amprol, chick care guide, instruction sheet and poster of safe handling of poultry.

NOTE: Orders for brooder supplies do not ship with your chicks and they need to be ordered ahead of time so you have them all set up when your chicks arrive.

Additional shipping fee for Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Hawaii and Alaska.

SKU: BE11 Category: