Chamois Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhauben
The Chamois Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhauben comes from the Appenzell region of Switzerland. It has golden-buff plumage with white spangles, a slate gray beak and shanks, and a V comb, It also sports a crest with forward-facing feathers, from which it derives its name. A spitzhauben is a pointed lady’s bonnet traditionally worn in Appenzell.
Spitzhaubens tend to be a bit more talkative than other chicken breeds. They are also active and alert, and fly well. They are exceptional foragers that like to spend time exploring the outdoors. This breed is truly an all-climate chicken that is winter hardy and also does well in warm, humid weather.
Spitzhauben hens start laying at about 5 months of age. They are one of the few chickens that naturally lay eggs during winter months. The hens may or may not brood, but when they do they make excellent mothers.
At Cackle Hatchery® we have been developing our strain of Chamois Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhaubens since 2021. We also offer our Silver Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhaubens or our Golden Spangled Appenzeller Spitzhaubens.
For more information about this breed check out our blog Breed Spotlight: Appenzeller Spitzhaubens
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lajems65 –
My Chamois rooster named Nutterbutter, is great. He is friendly, cute, and takes good care of his hens
Amber Brown –
I ordered 5 of these chicks and I love them so much. Since they came unsexed I ended up with 3 roosters and 2 hens. The roosters are stunningly beautiful; bright orange and white, but my two hens are plain white, which was a bit of a disappointment since they were pretty pricey. I hope to breed them and get some speckled hens. They have an excellent temperament and are fun to have running around the barnyard as they enjoy foraging. The rooster we took to the fair made it to the final drive table.
Wilson Tan –
11 chicks were delivered on January 2024 while I ordered 10 of these Spitz. Unfortunately 1 of them did not make it after a few days. Love these Spitz and they fit in the description exactly from Cackle Hatchery. We are in Florida and they survive the hot and humid weather more than I can because I am in an air conditioned house but they are not. Since they are all grown and we get a fews eggs from a few hens once a week and they are cute eggs since they not big. They can wonder half a mile from their coop but they come running when I call. I cut some of the young pine trees so they bend at an angle and the Spitz love roosting on those angled tree trunks. Love these Spitz with their spiked up feathers on top of their heads especially the females. Thank you Cackle Hatchery for having the Spitz especially the chamois.
Delton Hayes –
Amazing breed. Absolutely gorgeous when grown out. The little Mohawks are so cute when they are chicks. Friendly temperament and easy to pick up if handled while young.
Ren –
I ordered 3 chicks of each color Spitzhaubens and picked them up from Cackle in April. I must say that the gals working there are super nice, helpful and professional!
There was an extra chick in the order. ALL were healthy and active, flighty at first.
Wound up with 1 silver roo, one creamy colored pullet and a silver pullet, who I suspect is actually a Polish because she has a ball of feathers on her head. She’s also super friendly and seeks us out so she can ride on our shoulders.
1 Chamois roo, and 3 pullets (who refuse to go willingly in the coop)
2 Golden roos and 1 pullet.
They are all curious birds, with the pullets being pretty friendly, the roos get along so far and haven’t challenged us yet.
I have to add that the Spitzhaubens were integrated in with, Bielefelder, Speckled Sussex and Cherry Egger pullets that are 4weeks older. No squabbling.
Love these chickens and love Cackle Hatchery!!
Tricia Hayes –
So happy I decided to get a couple of these. First off I would like to say Cackle is top notch and did an amazing job shipping all my chicks! All 4 of my orders arrived in 2 days (MO to NY) and everyone arrived healthy and happy with no losses. ALL chicks (not just the rare ones) were shipped with care with heat packs, feed etc. GREAT job Cackle! I ordered 3 of these Chamois Spitz’s and received 4. These guys are the absolute sweetest chicks in the brooder. When I put my hand in the brooder all the chicks shy away except these guys, they will come right over all inquisitive. They love their little heads rubbed and will happily sit in your hand eyes closed enjoying it. So cute! They are a week old already and doing great. I can already tell these guys are going to be a favorite of mine. Thanks Cackle!