Cayuga Ducks

(19 customer reviews)

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  • Cayuga – Sold as Baby Ducklings Only

Shipped Feb thru June

Your total order requires ANY 3 birds to ship.

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Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Ducks, Medium Weight
  • Weights – Hen——-7 lbs
    Drake—–8 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Egg Laying; Exhibition
  • Egg Color: Black to White later in season
  • Egg Production: 130-180 yearly
  • Egg Size: Large to Extra Large
  • Temperament: Docile, Calm
  • Gender Accuracy: 90%
  • Fertility Percentage: 60-75%
  • Broody: Setters
  • Mating Ratio: 7 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: Floor
  • Country of Origin: United States (New York)
  • APA: Yes, Recognized by the Standard of Perfection in 1874
  • TLC: Watch Status, Considered a sustainable heritage duck breed.
  • Breeder Farm Source:Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm” developing our bloodline or strain of Cayuga Duck breed since 1977.


The Cayuga duck is used for meat and egg production and does well at poultry shows. The name comes from where it was once very popular, Cayuga Lake, New York State. Admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1874.

Noted feature is the iridescent beetle green color coming from the black feathers in the correct light. However, as Cayugas age, they naturally molt into gradually more white feathering — more so in hens than in drakes.

The Cayuga duck is one of the most popular ducks for showing. They are very active foragers and love to eat snails, slugs and other destructive insects. The Cayuga duck is calm and does not fly and lays both white and darker eggs. The darker eggs have a dark film on the egg shell and are really not a dark shell.

We can not ship ducks to Hawaii.

For ducks we offer to ship in the Fall check out


19 reviews for Cayuga Ducks

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  1. S


    I ordered 7 females. Picked up at the hatchery and I have to say they are a few weeks old and thriving. Beautiful healthy happy little quackers. I look forward to ordering more.

  2. D


    Ordered six females and received seven healthy babies in early April. These ducks are stunning, beautiful jet black feathers with green, purple and blue tones. They have wonderful personalities. It’s mid August and they already started laying eggs! I am getting jet black eggs to a very light gray and sometimes olive green. Very impressed and happy with these girls and with Cackle.

  3. RC

    Robert C

    Ducklings all arrived in healthy condition

    Its ben 4 months, all 6 ducks are alot bigger in excellent health enjoying bugs, greens and scratch feed!

  4. M


    In Love!

    I received my 3 duckling yesterday in the mail. They are all happy and healthy. No complaints. Beautiful birds.

  5. EW

    Erinn Whalen


    We took a day trip and went to the store itself. I phone ordered 6 Easter Eggers and was going to get a duck. I allowed my 6 year old to pick the breed with very little education on duck breeds. We brought our ladies home, got them settled in they’re broader and just like that they all started drinking and eating and even started following us to the edge if the kiddie pool as we left the garage. I walked back out later to check on them and then ran right to the edge just talking away. I’m so thrilled with my purchase and will probably be ordering a another duck friend for little lady!!! Great service, great experience I only wish they weren’t 4 hours away. Totally worth the drive though!

  6. S

    Silver (verified owner)

    2 years later

    I ordered 4 unsexed chicks 2 years ago and I am satisfied with them to this day. They are GREAT layers and wonderful pets, they eat from my hand sometimes.

  7. MM

    Mara M


    We ordered one Cayuga female and 2 Ancona females. They came in one day and were very healthy and gorgeous! Our Cayuga began laying about 2 months ago but our Ancona ducks have yet to lay. Regardless I am so thrilled with how beautiful and healthy they are.

  8. DL

    Duck life


    My Cayuga ducklings arrive happy & healthy. They are a great addition to the farm. Very friendly, sweet disposition. Thank you Cackle Hatchery!

  9. B


    So much fun

    Ordered 6 straight run cayugas, some marans and some rainbow layers. Got a bonus duckling, a bonus maran, and 2 bonus rainbows. Everyone was happy to see the water and feed after their 2 day travel. The ducklings are just this side of deadly on the adorable scale, and getting along well with the chicks.
    Could not be a happier repeat customer, and will certainly be back.

  10. J



    Never ordered ducks online before so I got 9 of these babies in February, they’re wonderfull! Not as bossy and overbearing on other birds like Pekin can be and they are reasonable size and learn things fast! Mine are now almost completely feathered out and are gorgeous, we unfortunately lost 3 to a dog attack in our driveway at 4 weeks but the remaining 6 are a single drake to 5 girls. Great ratio even from ‘st run ducklings’.
    Can’t wait for eggs! I’ll definitely order ducklings from Cackle again 😀

  11. S


    Nice ducks!

    I bought these last minute because I just wanted to raise some ducks. About 6-7 months later and they are nice and friendly! I should be expecting eggs any day now, and can’t wait to taste my first duck egg!

  12. K


    Baby ducks have arrived

    I received my three baby ducks today and they are beautiful. Thanks Kim Smith

  13. T

    Theresa (verified owner)

    Happy, Happy, Happy!!!

    I got my order of Cayuga Ducklings today. All 15 arrived alive and healthy!! They started eating and drinking and enjoying the heat lamp right away. They are beautiful and a joy to watch!!! I’m so excited and happy to have these ducklings. I can’t wait to do more business with Cackle Hatchery in the future.

  14. T


    Love!!! Gorgeous!

    Our hen is a great layer, sweet, and quiet! Not to mention, the most beautiful duck in the bunch. Our Cayuga was the youngest hen and the first to lay this year.

  15. N



    Last year I ordered 15 Cayuga ducklings, got an extra duckling who died in transit. Of the 15, 14 are alive and well. Quite calm and quite as ducks go ( unless its feeding time ). Some of the hens can fly. Have been doing business with you guys since high school and have never failed to disappoint. May be ordering again some new breeds in 2017.

  16. TI

    Tammy, Illinois May 2012

    Cackle Hatchery

    All 17 are doing great, eating and of course growing.Thank you for this service that you provide and the assurance than when I order I always get great service and great animals. Thank You

  17. SP

    Sigfrido Puerto Rico May 2010

    Cackle Hatchery

    As you can see I live in Puerto Rico. My chicks were sent Wednesday and arrived today Friday. All of them alive and in perfect condition. Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and will definitely will do business again.

  18. RA

    Ryan Arkansas June 2011


    We received our shipment of cayugas, turkeys and rouens today in Arkansas. I appreciate your swift response and beautiful birds! Thanks again!

  19. DA

    Dori, Alaska (received March 2015)

    Thank You

    Hello, I’ve tried several hatcheries in the last several years trying to get chicks to me in 2 days instead of 3 so the survival rate would be higher. I’m happy to say that your company wins the contest. It’s the first time all chicks have arrived alive. I’ll be using you again.

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