A great alternative to the white commercial Jumbo Cornish Cross chicken would be Cackle Hatchery®’s second choice for best meat chickens for sale. Cackle’s Red Broiler is slower growing than the Jumbo Cornish Cross chicken but faster growing than the regular heritage chicken breeds. This makes for a great broiler without some of the health issues the commercial Jumbo Cornish Cross might encounter. At 9-10 weeks the males should be at 6 lbs and the females should be at 5 lbs. They are easier to free range and manage foraging for food very well as compared to the Jumbo Cornish Cross chicken. You will love these chickens for raising chickens for meat and organic free range chickens.
Average Live Weights
1 Week 12 to 14 oz
2 Week 1 lb 4 oz
3 Week 2 lb 0 oz
4 Week 2 lb 12 oz
5 Week 3 lb 8 oz
6 Week 4 lb 6 oz
oldline1 –
Awesome chickens
I received my order for 25 Red Broilers, and 5 Welsummer hens, 5 Lt Brahmas and 1 Welsummer rooster on August 19th. They all were healthy and active. Unfortunately a raccoon managed to kill 14 of the chicks during their 3rd week. The rest have grown to be great chickens. The remaining Red Broilers were butchered yesterday (10/31) for the freezer. One rooster escaped and evaded capture so I’ll just keep him around for a while. The other 9 weighed in at 3.2-3.7 lbs after cleaning. Not bad compared to where my previous heavy breeds were after 6-7 months. Much less feed and time spent for a better result. These chickens had meatier breasts and legs compared to the heavies too. They also had a lot more fat and really made some super stock. They were very calm and relaxed and we enjoyed having them around as we free range all our poultry. Spring will definitely bring another order for them.
Donald –
Great service, very healthy chicks!
My chicks came in today, 09/16/16 first thing in the morning just as you guys said. All 25+ 3 extra were alive and very active. I had to pick them up on lunch break so I put them in a pet carrier in my car with the windows down. They had electrolyte water and starter crumbles soaked in whey from my wife’s cheeses. They began vigorously eating and drinking right away. I checked on then during break and brought a coworker to see them. They got the chicken bug. Hopefully a future Cackle Hatchery future customer. I got them home and they immediately started running about the brooder. Very happy healthy, vigorous chicks. I plan on keeping them that way. I am very satisfied with my first experience dealing with Cackle Hatchery. You will definitely hear from me when I need more Plymouth Rocks and start with my game birds.
Kevin Hawaii 2016 –
We just ordered 50 more this morning. Your staff has always been very helpful and your birds arrive alive. We hope to be buying many more broilers as we believe we can fill a niche market on our island. We are also concerned about being sustainable in times of need. I’m going to do my personal best to promote your red broiler as “The Best Tasting Chicken Ever.” I believe we will be able to move into wholesale numbers next season. It is my hope that we will be doing business far into the future.
RevKev –
Chefs choice
We raised our birds on grain,mango,papaya and avocado in a 10′ pen under a tree. They grew very fast and are finishing at 5.5 to 6 lbs @ 10wks. They truly wonderful thing was the phenomenal flavor of the birds. We served a smoked, roasted bird to a small panel of local chefs, who were later heard to say,”Best chicken “,” top notch”,”super tender”! We are sold on your red broilers!
JenniferB –
Well worth the wait.
These are the most delicious meat birds I have ever had!! I have raised the Jumbo Cornish Cross for a few years, but last year I tried these. It was worth the wait for us. It took about 10-12 weeks to get to a good weight that we liked. 4-5lbs dressed. So yummy!
Ryan Tennessee May 2013 –
My order of broilers and turkeys
I ordered and received 30 Cornish X chicks, Red Ranger chicks and Bourbon Red poults. Thus far i am a few weeks into brooding them and have been happy with the birds I bought from you and will certainly buy from you again.
Marilyn, Iowa May 2014 –
Cackle Hatchery
Our post office driver brought them to me after hours, all are healthy and peeping. That was very nice of her, I guess that is the difference between small towns and large. They were boxed well, they would have made it until tomorrow probably but I feel better than they had a drink and seem to be enjoying their new home. Thanks, you’ve gained a new customer.
Terra Arkansas July 2014 –
Cackle Hatchery
Our chicks that were shipped on March 4th are doing great! Cackle Red Broilers 25/26 still alive and Dark Brahmas 4 of the 5 arrived alive and they are doing good:)
Erin Michigan October 2013 –
Red Broilers
The ones we got from your hatchery this summer were fantastic! My buyers were very pleased and looking for some birds through early winter. We will definitely be ordering from you next year.
Hali, Wisconsin (received June 2015) –
Red Broilers
I purchased some red broilers from you and have had great success.