Buff Orpington chickens originated in England, and were recognized by the APA as a pure chicken breed in 1902. These “Golden Chicken Beauties” are a large, stately chicken with a quiet disposition. Buff Orpington chickens are one of the best chickens for eggs and for meat. They are white skinned, plump, and juicy for a great dressed out chicken. This production type Buff Orpington is one of the best chickens for sale online for dual egg and meat purposes. Many will put their 2 year old chickens in the stew pot and retain the 1 year old hens for laying eggs. Then buy more baby chicks for sale from Cackle Hatchery® to keep the cycle going. This accomplishes the most efficient cost to feed ratio to raise chickens. Most chicken breed charts will list the Buff Orpington chicken as a dual purpose bird that lay a medium brown egg. Even though the Buff Orpington chicken is a very heavy and large bird, this does not always mean the bigger the hen the larger the egg. Buff Orpingtons make excellent broody mothers for baby chicks. We hope you enjoy the Buff Orpington chicken as much as we do.
NOTE: For show quality type of this breed see our Buff Orpington Exhibition Type.
Buff Orpingtons can molt into a light buff or almost white feathering as they grow new feathers, though may return over time. The Buff color is hard to maintain.
Many people who like this breed of chicken also like the miniature version of the breed (bantam) the Buff Orpington Bantam Chicken.
We also have Buff Orpington Started Pullets available to order.
We also offer at limited times of the year Buff Orpington Fertile Hatching Eggs
Available Low Availability Unavailable
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blankenmom –
Ordered 3 girls, and they gave me an extra (Thank You!). All are very healthy and very large! I ordered Buffs specifically because they’re supposed to be a broody bunch, and decent layers. And they did NOT fail! Within a month of laying, two went broody. I tucked our older girls eggs under them to get max chick diversity. Granted, they’ve been laying for about two months now and their eggs are bizarrely small so far (think, slightly bigger than a fairy egg), but they are gradually getting larger. And the tiny ones were great for pickled eggs. They’re not overly friendly, but they don’t run from me either. If you want self-replicating food, this is definitely a good breed to go with.
Dan Shelden –
Nice hatchery Buff, great color, good type. Not laying yet though roughly 30 weeks. Skittish but not terrible.
saramiera –
Beautiful, Sweet, Gentle, and Adorable chicks!!
We received 4 buff Orpington chicks in our recent order of 22 (received 25) chicks. So far they are all thriving and are the gentlest and sweetest of all 25!!! The two lighter colored ones are pure cuddle bugs and the deeper colored two love to perch on my shoulders. My favorite one is named Sweetie because she truly is a sweetie!! She is not pushy like my other breeds are when they want to be held but instead she rests her head on my hand to let me know when she wants to cuddle. Definitely one of my favorite breeds now. Thank you Cackle for the amazing chicks!!
Jorge Loredo –
Back in July of 2020, we ordered our first backyard special from Cackle that included 1 Buff, 1 Barred Rock and a 1 Australorp. My girls were as excited as I was hearing the chirping inside the post office the day we picked them up. And to our surprise we received a few extra so had enough chicks to share with a friend. For 3 years our 6 pixie chicks came to us when we called them from far away, would sit on our laps, and shoulders when we had scratch in our hands. They would come inside the house when we opened the door as they knew they were always welcomed. Unfortunately, we lost 2 to a racoon last month (trap caught it and I sent it to the Petco in da sky) and last week a coyote took Sky and Custurd. We are missing our chickens and will order from Cackle once more. Chickens have unique personalities and form a good bond with kids. All around amazing pets. Coyote be warned, peacemaker will be seeing ya in time.
John Steed –
Ordered 15 buff Orpington pullets and received 17 chicks on March 1, 2022. All lived and one was a roo. They didn’t start laying until spring of 2023. All the eggs were decent size. Not the “learner” sized eggs that you sometimes get. All were healthy, and I am very satisfied.
gregorm1966 –
Wanted to wait a couple weeks before writing my review. Ordered 25 hens to pick up at Cackle. Got 27. (also bought some Dominiques that was not planned) After two weeks, all the hens are healthy and happy. Have not lost a single one. Could not be happier. Bought these since they are dual purpose birds and tend to go broody. Hoping with the ones I have that maybe a rooster or two slipped through. Great service and great hens. HIghly recommended.
Brent L –
I ordered 4 Buff Orpington and 4 Blue-laced Wyandottes. Received 10 healthy chicks! Even though the Wys are beautiful, the Orpingtons are calmer, quiet and sweet. I rate them the highest!
They are now 15 weeks old (no eggs yet) and at week 3 we found 1 Buff roo in the mix. He is so cool – what personality! While we had some suspicions amongst the Wys, the roosters (2) didn’t definitively show as males physically or behaviorally until week 13 – really late to mature we thought.
I will keep Orpingtons in my flock for sure from now on. They are a pleasure!
chief4816 –
First time ordering from Cackle Hatchery. Ordered 15 Buff Orpingtons and received 18. Ended up losing one but that happens, overall very happy and the rest of the birds are so full of energy and healthy. Ordered ducks that are getting here in May, I look forward to it! Thank you Cackle!
toddbethell56 –
Ordered 25 STRAIGHT RUN, received 26 healthy females and only ONE cockerel! Unbelievable odds, I think they must have accidentally packed mine with sexed chicks 😉 Every single one survived the shipment and grew up wonderfully healthy and fast.
I would say that some of the pictures are a bit misleading. I only got one bird that could be considered ‘heavy’ or ‘deep’ and she had whitish earlobes and was not to compare with some that I already had. Most of the birds had flopped or twisted combs. There was a great spread in temperament, but some of the hens are very friendly and will submit themselves to being picked up and cuddled by a 10-year old (without running away during the catching process). Others are flightier than a Leghorn.
But the egg production is excellent, all of them were laying by 23 weeks and most made it through their first winter without a break. Lots of light brown eggs 🙂
Conclusion: Excellent choice for good egg production and friendly birds, but probably not best if you are interested in showing at a junior fair or w/ 4-H for example.
Karen Hornell –
It has been a while since I had twins chickens I love orpinted chickens they are sweet and kind they’re a happy chicken that being said I love Cackle Hatchery They made sure that my little birds little birds were safely delivered they they had a safe little cubby where they could cuddle they came in healthy and are growing up big real fast I have tried other hatcheries breeze but none of them have been as good as this one I will be back for my next assortment of Bert the next time it may not be chickens cause they have a large variety love them
Alberto Escalante Alvarez –
Always a pleasure!!
The orders always come when promised and the chicks are always in great health! Seamless! Thank you so much, Cackle crew!!!
Lindsay Warren –
I loved these chickens! I ordered 3 hens along with 3 barred rocks last year. Received 8 chickens all together. They all survived well. I have rehomed them to switch to bantams, but honestly kind of regret it because of how sweet they were. I get reports from their now owner and they’re still doing great.
mommamoosmeadow –
Our first batch of buff Orpingtons arrived healthy. Three days in and all are thriving! Cute yellow fluff balls.
George –
They’re here!
This is the beginning of my chicken adventure and I received my chicks about an hour ago. I used to live in Lebanon but now live near Tacoma, WA and as I waited for my order, worried how the chicks would handle the long journey. 25 + 2 VERY healthy chicks were waiting for me at the post office. I followed the instructions on your website to prepare for the birds and they are doing even better than I had hoped! In these crazy times, watching those little puff balls do what they do is good for the soul. Thanks!
ronald –
Two chicks were visibly not as strong as the others on arrival and eventually died. Others got along just fine and are presently laying. I love the Buff Orpington. They become your best friends
Mallory C –
We ordered 25 chicks in June from Cackle hatchery. 5 Buff Orpington pullets, 5 Barred Rock pullets, 5 White Rock pullets, and 10 Splash Silkies. We received them quickly! Cackle included 1 extra Orpington and 3 extra silkies. We did not lose a single chick. All are thriving and healthy! Thanks Cackle Hatchery!!
Jessica C –
We are first-time chicken keepers and ordered 15 chicks from Cackle. Eighteen healthy chicks arrived, though one died a month later from malnutrition from a beak deformity. We loved that we were able to order five different breeds, all of which are as described– cold hardy, friendly, and very healthy. They are now five months old and were very chipper when we released them into the yard this morning while it was 18 degrees out. Our friendliest birds are the Speckled Sussex, followed by Buff Orpington, Cinnamon Queen, Easter Egger and Black Laced Red Wyandotte.
Luana C –
I am very pleased with the experience. we have had 7 hens and one rooster and all were wonderful healthy chickens we have one hen left and she is about 7 or 8 years old. She is a dear pet and lives in the garage so she can hear the family sounds and she roosts right in front of the door to the house. She is still laying eggs too. She is a Buff Orpington and a lovely bird. Still golden and fluffy. Thank you all for providing us with such quality service and product. luana
Robert C –
We ordered 50 birds back in july. 15 easter eggers, 10 Jersey giants, 10 Buffs, 5 Leg horns, 5 welsumers, and 5 marans. All of the birds arrived alive which is amazing since we are located in hawaii! I would like to point out that they give you a full list of what you ordered/ got extra which was a really nice touch. We lost one bird at a few days old but Cackle sent us 60 birds instead of 50 so it wasn’t an issue. I would like to mention we ordered 10 roos that were all marked on their heads with paint which was amazing. Fast forward a few months. all of the birds made it besides that one we lost in the first few days. We have a few extra roos that we didnt order but I think they gave them to us because we ordered 5 buff roos and 5 jersey roos but zero egger roos. Also, all of the birds are very healthy and all seem to be growing to breed standards. I couldn’t be happier with my order. I have ordered from other hatcheries in the past and I have had many issues (wrong chickens, dead/ sick birds, bad packaging, the list goes on) none of those issues happened when I ordered from cackle. With all of that being said they are still a hatchery and the birds aren’t going to be the cream of the crop to say but they are damn close! If you want a decent flock with beautiful birds and you don’t want to pay an absurd price to a private breeder cackle is your one stop shop!
Karen G. –
Thank you!
I am very happy with my order. I ordered 6 Black Australorp, and 6 Buff Orpingtons and received a baker’s dozen: 7 Black Australorp! I also ordered 12 mixed guinea fowl and received a baker’s dozen as well; a lovely mix of 3 lavender, 4 royal purple, and 6 pearl gray. All babies came on time and I haven’t lost a one! Now we are finishing our run around the coop and they should be safe and happy for the rest of their lives! Olive Hill, KY
Lanette G –
Great Service!
Great service!! My chicks arrived quickly and very healthy! I ordered 16 but received 17, 5 buffs, 6 red, 5 barred rock and my special order, Easter egger rooster who is beautiful! Will definitely order from them in the future!
Karl –
Chicks arrived on-time
Picked up my chickens this morning. All arrived safely and happy to be at their new home. Drank their warm water and running around all over the place. Thanks for such great birds.
Commendable Service and Packing –
Over the past seven years we have ordered from over a dozen different hatcheries, including (and most often) Cackle. We have ordered from you for years and have always been impressed with the quality of the chicks, and your service which is above and beyond the average. Our most recent order, however, was even more remarkable – they shipped during extreme cold, and not only did they all arrive alive, they were boxed in the most exceptional and thoughtful packing of heat packs and straw pads we have ever seen, courtesy of your packer “Angie M”. All of the chicks from this order have continued to show the high standard of quality and good growth and health we have come to expect from your birds. Please give our regards to the packer of our order and keep up the amazing work. Thank you
Jaime –
First time ordering from Cackle
Very pleased! I was worried with my chicks arriving early March in Pennsylvania but all chicks arrived alive and very active.They placed a heat pack in the box to keep them warm. Also, I was happy with their clean vents. Pasty butts are a real issue with chicks you get at local ag stores. Upon opening the box, I noticed blue ink on some of their heads. Found out it was to indicate the Roo’s. A word of warning to anyone ordering…they may come a day earlier than anticipated, like mine did. Be ready ahead of time with your brooder.
You bet I’ll be ordering from Cackle again.
Roger –
Not overly pleased
I ordered 2 Buff males, 5 Buff hens, 5 New Hampshire hens and 5 Easter Egger hens. I receive no Buff roosters, 1 New Hampshire rooster and 1 Easter Egger rooster. They all arrived safe and sound and seem to be healthy and thriving (other than the recent loss of a couple Buff hens). I’m a bit upset about the poor sexing I have received from Cackle as with my smaller orders I need what I order and not what they send.
Allison Tennessee 2015 –
Safe Arrival!!!
I just want to take a moment to say thank ALL ya”ll at the hatchery for my beautiful new babies. Each and everyone arrived safely and healthy and perfectly beautiful! Truly precious!! I had a predator take away one of my momma birds with her 5 babies and was just crushed. My heart hurt. It still makes me cry. You have filled the sad void and replaced it with God’s sweet new creatures. They are settling in with a buff hen to keep them safe and warm in their new home. Your shipping was fast, efficient, absolutely excellent. I am so pleased with the communication for pick up. Your services exceed my expectations and I will definitely be a regular customer. I don’t Facebook but you are more than welcome to post my comment for others to know what a great service you provide. I must go now and check on the babies…better than color TV!!!
The Veteran –
Service Birds
Ever heard of service dogs? Well my birds provide me with the peace and tranquility of a dog (I suppose). They have been extremely good to me, the ducks and the rest of the family. The rooster will always try anyone but its expected, he protects the flock. Thank you so much for helping a Veteran find something that just makes perfect sense, chickens.
Cindy –
Very Happy Customer
I ordered 8 Buff Orpington and received 9 healthy, happy chicks. All are doing quite well. The sales person was very patient with me and answered all my questions I plan to order more in the Spring and look forward to doing business with Cackle Hatchery again.
Levo –
Thank You!
My kids absolutely love animals! After speaking with our neighbors about their experience with raising chickens, we decided to pull the trigger and get some of our own and so far it’s been a great decision. We ordered 9 chicks, 3 Buff Orpington, 3 Golden Comets and 3 Black Australorps. They snuck in 1 additional Australorps! Thank you! They all arrived very quickly, safe and sound and they are now flourishing. We are 6 weeks in and they are out in their coop and loving it. This has been an amazing experience for us as a family and we appreciate the quality service you provide. We’ll be back when the time comes. 5 Stars!
Don_D –
Chicks are doing great
I just wanted to leave a note about the service I received with Cackle hatchery. I was called after I placed my order and given a shipping date, the chicks arrived exactly as described and on time. We live in WA so our chicks had quite the journey to make it here. The Post Office gave us a call that morning and I arrived there to hear the sound of chicks chirping away, a great sign.
Came home and watered each chick then turned them loose in the brooder. All chicks are in excellent health and after a brief nap are active and happy. Eating and drinking away.
Many thanks to Cackle and their staff for providing an excellent service and good communication at a great value. I only wish one of my hens were broody to teach the new troops the ropes!
Bill –
Ordered 55 chicks, received 62 healthy chicks
All 62 chicks were healthy and very active. Both the Buff Orpington and the Salmon Faverolle are developing into pretty and interesting young chickens. The Cinnamon Queen appear to be the more quieter breed but still are maturing very nicely. I also ordered a weekly special of 15 heavy pullets which appear to be mostly Barred Rocks. They too are maturing nicely and so far have the most personalty most curious of all the chicks. At 6 weeks all 62 chicks are doing well, are very active and I am well pleased with my first experience of ordering from Cackle Hatchery.
ClemsonGirly94 –
I ordered 17 female birds (5 Easter Eggs, 5 Buff Orpington, 5 White Leghorns, 2 Khaki Campbell Ducks) and ALL were alive and healthy straight out of the shipping box. They’re all a week old now and absolutely thriving!
This was my first time ordering chicks online and I was a little hesitant at first but Cackle Hatchery is great! I will be a repeat buyer.
michael –
Beautiful little chicks
Hello, I ordered three pullets, one is a darker buff color, gorgeous, and one is yellow and the other one is a color between them. I love the coloring and they seam to be the observers of the flock, whereas the other 15 chicks in the brooder goes about their ways, running around, being a busy body. I’ve noticed the B Orpington are usually just sitting like they are setting, it’s so cute, and looking at all the commotion going on from the other chicks. I love them and thank Cackle for providing such healthy chicks.
Lizzie –
20 healthy chicks
I received my order of 20 healthy chicks 4 variety. I am very happy with Cackle hatchery and will order again for sure as I have raised chickens before but not for 10 years so I am a happy camper. All arrived alive and active. Thanks for the great service
Jason –
Very happy
Ordered 15 received 17. All healthy and doing great 3 weeks later.
I’m a lifelong customer now.
Thank you for the wonderfully healthy chicks.
Justin –
17 all good
Ordered 12 Female and 3 males, got 1 extra of each. All were healthy and quick to become quite hyper and crazy. Been two days, and so far they’re looking really healthy and full of life. Very good purchase.
K. Tribble –
My baby chicks arrived fast. Even though they were shipped on the coldest day of spring, they were healthy, even perky. Didn’t lose any of them. Now two weeks later they are eating out of my hand and growing like weeds. I would recommend Cackle to everyone. I will be buying more chicks from you.
Erica J. –
Great experience
Purchased 15 chicks–speckled sussex, easter egger, cinnamon queen, buff orpington and dark brahmas. I was sent two extra–buff orpington and easter egger. All chicks arrived super healthy and on time. It was a great experience with Cackle Hatchery from start to finish, and I’m so pleased since this was my very first experience purchasing chicks.
WalkaFlockaGame –
Excellent ordering experience
Ordered 4 hens. Delivery date was 2/13/2017. Chicks where delivered 2/14, the next day! Received three extra, for a total of seven. It’s been about 10 days and all seven chicks are thriving! Beautiful, healthy birds. Couldn’t be more pleased, the small order fee was worth it!
Craig –
Very happy camper
Well it was my first time ordering from any hatchery. I ordered on line last Saturday. My 15 buffs shipped on the following Monday. I received 16 buffs on Wensday morning. I lost one that night due to an unfortunate power loss from a thunderstorm. The original 15 I had ordered are all doing well and very entertaining to watch. I can’t wait til they are running around the yard and laying eggs. I will definitely be ordering from Cackle again. You have a very satisfied customer in me. Without the power loss I think I would still have all 16 chicks. I have also been recommending your hatchery to my friends and relatives.
Telly –
Love them in would buy again
Just got my chicks this morning all of them healthy as could be
Eddie Reece –
Sweet CHICKS !!!
I’ve never tried my hands at taking care of chickens. When my six Buff Orpington chicks arrived in Sept. of 2016, I was elated. These sweet little chicks were as “snug as a bug in a rug”. They arrived happy and healthy. Thank You Cackle Hatcheries for being so careful in the packaging. I’m writing this review on February 14 (Valentines Day) of 2017. I hope to start seeing eggs by the end of March, 2017. -Eddie Reece North Carolina
Valerie New York August 2016 –
I wanted to thank you for the beautiful chicks I ordered. I ordered city-town special of three pullets. All arrived safe and sound and are growing fast. I couldn’t believe how quickly they feathered out. I don’t usually get chicks in the fall but am very glad I tried it. With this hot summer there’s plenty of time to be ready for winter. Thanks Again
Kit –
Very happy experience
I just wanted to say that I have been happy with my cackle experience from ordering to picking up my chicks at the post office. Ordering was fast and easy which is nice because not all places make the process understandable. After ordering I received a nice confirmation email then I got a call from cackle telling me when my chicks would be shipped and asked if the date was okay and that I would be available to pick them up from the local post office. Also the nice lady on the phone made sure to ask me if all of my details were correct, the order was correct and informed me when the chicks would show up at the post office and that I would be getting a call to pick them up.
After my chicks arrived all were happy and healthy and there was even an extra one!
I would recommend cackle to anyone looking for a hatchery to work with and will be ordering again.
Shannon Texas 2016 –
Thank You
I wanted to thank you for the lovely chicks and turkeys. I am very pleased with my order and will be a returning customer next season. Also I placed a call to your company and your staff was so pleasant and helpful. I would recommend your company to anyone, Thanks again,
Zb –
Thank you
Our buff orpington chicks arrived healthy & happy, plus we were sent an extra. We would definitely recommend Cackle again. Thank you guys so much!
Travel Myers –
Early Arrivals
To our delight, we picked our chicks up from the post office today, a day earlier than expected. They are all alive and oh so cute. Thank you!
Star Missouri 2016 –
Dear Folks at Cackle
Just want to say thank you for my chicks. I’m sure a tiny order like this one is hardly given a second thought. However this being our first chicks we were very excited and even so pleased with our order. All ten little ones are doing well and thriving in their new home. Thanks Again
Johannah –
Love My Buffs
I ordered Buff Orpingtons from Cackle in June of 2014 and I was highly impressed. Some of their stock photos are of my birds. My roosters were big and fertile and my hens were mostly to standard for buff orpingtons. I am ordering again this year because hawks got all but two of my hens and I can’t live without these sweet spoiled girls. Thanks Cackle!
Momof5 –
My babies are almost 7 months old now and have been laying daily for 6 weeks now. They ate the sweetest birds ever! –
We are impressed!
We started a small farm, and decided to use Cacklehatchery for our chicken order.
Not only was the service department enjoyable to speak with, they are so helpful and informative. My husband and I were very impressed and continue to be with the quality of the stock that they provide, and will continue to be loyal customers to this upstanding company.
We love our Buffs, great layers, nice family birds and couldn’t ask for a better breed for our needs.
Tami and Terry McGreevy Pa.
Harry Pennsylvania June 2009 –
Cackle Hatchery
Chicks arrived on June 5. All is well and they are happy and hungry. Thank you
Tracy Indiana June 2009 –
superb job well done thank you very much!!!
Just received a order from your hatchery. Wanted to thank you and your staff for the great quality of chicks I received from you, can’t brag enough to my buddies what a great quality of stock you have. THANK YOU AND YOUR STAFF FOR A QUALITY JOB WELL DONE!
Deborah Missouri June 2009 –
Chicks arrived safely!
Just wanted to let you know all the chicks arrived safe and sound. They were immediately given water, and chick food was made available (including the boiled egg yolk you recommended) They took to it instantly! We kept them inside with a light for the first night to allow them to get settled then moved them to a broody hen in a previously prepared brooder area the following night. Our little momma hen is happily clucking over her new brood and the entire family seems very happy. Thanks
Bill Missouri May 2009 –
Baby Chicks
I received my chicks today they all seem to be doing okay, you need to pat yourself on your back for a well done job. I appreciate all that you have done for me on my order, it was very quick, my hat goes off to you and your staff, I use to order from another hatchery but you have out done them so all my business from now on well be with you. I will refer every one I know to you, again well done.
Alberto South Carolina June 2009 –
Our recent order
Last week, my husband and I made a minimum order of some Buff Orpington and some Light Brahmas and they arrived within a couple of days. I just wanted to write and tell you: Thank you so much! All of the chicks arrived in great conditon and they’re healthy and already growing. My husband tells me “Look at how happy they are”! and he’s right. You guys do great work with your birds. Thank you so much for working with us on our numbers and for how you raise your birds. Have a wonderful day.
J & D kentucky July 2009 –
Just a Thank you
We received our pullets the end of April. We wanted to let you know how very pleased we are with the instructions you provided and the wonderful quality of the chicks. They are all thriving! Thanks SO much! We just love our ladies!
Debra Indiana August 2009 –
Hello I am so happy to tell you that the new addition to our family arrived safe and sound this morning. The post office called bright and early and I could barely wait until they opened to get them. All are adjusting well to their new home and to a ten year old, red headed granddaughter and two old grandparents looking in on them. They have joined our little family and will be well cared for. Thank You!
Randy Tennessee August 2009 –
Customer satisfaction
I placed an online order for baby Black Austrolorp chicks on 7/31/09 and I picked them up at my Post Office on 8/7/09. This is my first order from Cackle Hatchery and I am completely satisfied. I got fast service with excellent communication and courtesy. I ordered 15 pullets and 2 cockerels. I picked up my chicks from the Post Office and the box had 20 very healthy and thriving baby chicks in it. I put them in the brooder as soon as i got them home and they immediately started eating and drinking and they are doing fine. I know where to buy my baby chicks from now on. I already placed another order for Buff Orpington chicks and they scheduled for shipment next week Thank You!
Abby Iowa May 2012 –
I showed in the American, English, Mediterranean, All Other Standard Breed, Mixed Breed, Pairs, Bantam Single Comb, Clean Legged and Showmanship Classes. This was my first year showing. I got 1 Red and 9 Blue Ribbons. I also received 4 best of breed awards and 1 Reserve Champion and 1 Champion. I also got 3rd in showmanship.
Forrest, New York April 2012 –
Chicks Received
We received our chicks in today’s mail and I wanted to tell you how pleased we are by them! The chicks are very healthy and appear to be in terrific shape. And even the post office was surprised that we received them just a day after they were sent! I wanted to thank you for your service as well as the health of your chicks and varieties you offered. We have bought chicks from many many hatcheries over the last 30 year that we’ve had laying hens, and would recommend you over any of the other ones that we’ve dealt with. Have a great day and thanks again!
Karen, Florida March 2012 –
Comment on Chicks
This will be the second year ordering from you. My husband and I are happy with the birds from last year and the chicks from this year. The Buff Orps are huge. I have recommended your hatchery on and anyone who asks about chicks. Thank you
Joan, Iowa March 2012 –
Received my order today
I received my order of pullets from you today and I just wanted to THANK-YOU. All of them are nice and healthy. This is all new to me, I have never ordered baby chicks, but you guys made it a wonderful experience!! I am very happy customer and will tell all my friends about your services. Thanks again,
Terri, Illinois March 2012 –
Thank You
I don’t often send words of THANKS… but I am the “Chicken Lady” at one of your wholesale stores. I just received our second batch of chicks from you today (50 each of Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Reds and White Leghorns) and I just have to say; I have raised and ordered chicks for many, many years as a private chicken fanatic and this is the first time I have experienced chicks on a retail level. Your chicks arrive healthy, robust and on time. All of our chick buyers are told up front that their are coming from Cackle Hatchery. We have a 98% survival rate once they hit our store and I think that says a lot for your quality and our care once they are in our hands. Thank you for all the hard work that you do on your end and once those chicks are in my hands I do everything i can to see that they are properly cared for and ready to go on to their new homes. I simply cannot express strongly enough how happy I am doing business with you.
Stacey, Indiana March 2012 –
Chicks Shipped
I am a new chicken owner and this is my first time having chicks/chickens EVER. I just wanted to let you know that all 16 babies you shipped arrived just fine and all of them are thriving. I know that you ship thousands of birds each month and I’m sure they don’t mean the same to a large hatchery but the 16 you shipped me are so special to my family. They will be pets split up to three different homes when they are a little larger, so please thank each person involved with this transaction for selecting these babies for us. I guess I’d like each of them to know that they were responsible for selecting 5 Black Australorps, 5 Light Brahma and 6 Buff Orpington pullets for loving homes and lives that won’t end in the slaughter house. The chicks have already doubled in size and I couldn’t ask for better entertainment than in watching them.
Anne Washington March 2012 –
Happy Customer
I just wanted to send a note saying how happy we are with our recent purchase. We ordered 15 chicks and got 16 happy, healthy fluff balls last week. They all seem in great condition and I appreciated the info and help I received when you guys called me after placing my order. Thanks again.
Kendra, New York February 2013 –
Thank You! From Happy customer
They all made it!! Thank you so much!!!
Kendra, New York February 2013 –
Thank You
Thank you so much! I placed an order this morning over the phone. Your employees were extremely helpful, knowledgeable, patient and so very nice! We can’t wait to get our chicks. We order 2 of the small town pullet special 3. Just waiting for the email conformation and tracking number once the chicks ship. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed reading about all the family and business history of your company. I watched all the videos as well. So informative. Thanks again.
Sunny, Ohio February 2013 –
Chick Order
My name is Sunny. I live in Ohio, This is the first chick mail order I have ever done. What an excellent experience!! I received my chicks in 2 days. They were all alive though a little cold. I give you guys a 20 out of 10 rating! Within 10 minutes under their heater they were eating, drinking and scratching. How adorable! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. A very satisfied customer.
Barbara, Missouri March 2013 –
Chick Order
Just got our order of chicks and they look wonderful! Thank you for the extra two chicks. I can hardly wait to see what I have They are drinking and eating and chirping happily in the brooder. Thank you for the great care you give in supplying these nice chicks.
Andrea Texas May 2013 –
Cackle Hatchery
Thank you very much…The chicks I ordered from you are beautiful!!!! These were the prettiest and chirpiest Rhode Island Reds and Buff Orpingtons I have seen in a long time. Thank you so much for keeping me informed on the order status and quality chicks that you have sent!!! Thanks Cackle Hatchery!!!!
Ted, Wisconsin June 2013 –
Cackle Hatchery
We just wanted to let you know that all chicks survived the journey and are doing well. They arrived at our post office at 7:00 am on Friday. Your service has been exemplary! We wish other American companies would display the commitment and pride in quality & customer satisfaction that the people at Cackle Hatchery display! You are all a fine example of the True Meaning & Spirit of the American Free Enterprise System! Pat yourselves on the back, you deserve it!!!
Kevin, Texas November 2015 –
Thank You
Our last order of Buff Orpington all were healthy and happy when they arrived on time…a rarity from our experience with other hatcheries.
Duane Wyoming April 2010 –
Chicks arrival
Just wanted to let you know the chicks arrived this morning. We’ve been waiting/worrying due to thinking they would be here in two days rather than three, not to mention in the middle of a snowstorm. There was only one dead chick and another who isn’t doing too well, but the rest are doing great!!!
When we were looking to order chicks we went to a posting that slammed your hatchery pretty bad, but looked at some of the others hatcheries posts and they were just as bad and we decided to go with you. We weren’t disappointed as the last order we got from a different hatchery we lost six out of twenty-six. With you so far we have lost one out of 105. Thank you,
Roland North Carolina March 2010 –
Cackle Hatchery
Just wanted to say thanks. My chicks arrived this morning all in great shape and ready to get out of the shipping box. Ya’ll have done a wonderful job. Keep up the good work and again thanks.
Jim Washington March 2010 –
Awesome Customer Service
Tonight I came home and there was a message on my messaging machine from Libby from Cackle Hatchery letting me know my chicks would ship on Monday March 8 and that I could expect them Wednesday or Thursday. I was very pleased and impressed that you took the time to let me know this, as we are rural and quite a distance from our post office. That little extra touch of customer service just made my whole day and made me feel good that I ordered from you, after looking at many hatcheries online and finally selecting yours. Thank You
Sigfrido Puerto Rico May 2010 –
Cackle Hatchery
As you can see I live in Puerto Rico. My chicks were sent Wednesday and arrived today Friday. All of them alive and in perfect condition. Thank you very much. It has been a pleasure doing business with you and will definitely will do business again.
Tom North Carolina May 2010 –
Thank You
Hi, Just wanted to let you know chicks arrived safe and healthy on Wednesday. I was initially concern because when i picked them up at the Post Office. i did not hear the peeps of unhappy chicks. The heating pad worked great and was still warm. This is my second year ordering from Cackle Hatchery and couldn’t be more pleased. You have hit a home-run with the new “Town/Country, Small Order” special and is perfect for replenishing my small flock-Well done! You have my business for life. Thanks again.
Burnie Mississippi April 2010 –
Order from rep CS
I received the 50 Buff Orpingtons in good shape. They all seem to be doing well. As I had told the order rep I have done business with another hatchery for over 20 years. Though I never had a complain with their chicks or service their prices have made it difficult. Cackle’s prices are significantly lower for the same breed of birds. I will encourage everyone I know to give you a try. I look forward to future business with you. Thank you.
Hal Utah November 2014 –
I received my order of 21 Buff Orpington and Barred Rock pullet 4 weeks ago tomorrow. They arrived active, strong and healthy. They were immediately off running, eating and drinking. I haven’t lost any of them and they are growing so fast that I can hardly believe it. I’ve raised a lot a poultry over the years, but never had chicks any more strong and healthy than these. Just wanted to say thanks.
Lori North Carolina February 2015 –
You Rock!!
A few weeks ago I placed an order with some of your competition. They shipped 20 babies without a heat pack and all 20 arrived sadly dead. Of course they offered to replace them, so I have more coming next week. But I also ordered 20 babies from you and Yay!!! all of them got here in good condition and very healthy. You have my business, forever and ever!!! Never again will i order from other hatcheries. Chickie love to you!
Alexis Texas March 2015 –
Cackle Customer Compliment
I want to praise Renae for placing my crazy order today! She is an absolute Rock star!!!I really appreciate the excellent customer service i have received with this order and my previous one! I will be a forever customer, thank you for being the best hatchery. Thanks
Bradley Oklahoma February 2015 –
Order Review
I just received my shipment of 45 baby chicks. I am extremely pleased with my order. Picked them up at my post office brought them straight home unpacked and cared for them per Cackle’s instructions and I only had one loss upon opening the box. All chicks are healthy and very perky. Will be ordering from cackle again.
Denny Arkansas April 2015 –
I would like to say I am happier with the chickens i got from your Hatchery than any others I have raised, I have kept chickens for the last 25 years and this flock is the best. They are docile and right now I am getting 18-20 eggs per day from 24 hens. You can bet when I recycle these girls I will be ordering from you again. Once again Thanks.
Russell Oklahoma May 2014 –
Cackle Hatchery
We received the chicks in very good order. Thank you
Billy Oklahoma April 2014 –
I ordered some chicks from y’all a few week ago and I am just giving y’all some feedback on the good hatchery y’all have thanks for the chicks. They all got here safe and all are a live and again I thank y’all very much and y’all’s Hatchery should be the number one Hatchery in the world and y’all’s Hatchery will be the only one I ever order from.
Dawn Wisconsin May 2015 –
Cackle Hatchery
I am anxiously awaiting my chicks. I am so excited. It is my first time to have backyard chickens. I researched many hatcheries and found yours online. I was impressed and very much enjoyed your tutorial of the family business and history of the company. I also liked the videos of the different chicks and information given about the different varieties. I found that very helpful when choosing which varieties I wanted and would be best for us.
Johnette, Texas May 2015 –
Cackle people
Just to let you know my order was received today and all chicks were in excellent condition! Everyone was healthy and vigorous and seemed happy to be at their new home! Your staff was very pleasant and courteous and we actually received our order a day sooner than expected! Thank you for providing us with quality chicks and great service again!
Allison Tennessee July 2015 –
Safe Arrival!!
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank ALL ya’ll at the hatchery for my beautiful new babies. Each and every one arrived safely and healthy and perfectly beautiful! Truly precious! Your shipping was fast efficient and absolutely excellent. I am so pleased with the communication for pick-up. Your services exceed my expectations and I will definitely be a regular customer. I must go now and check on the babies…better than color TV!!!
George, Washington June 2014 –
Baby Chick Shipment
Picked up my 35 chicks at 7:30 AM at the post office and all the chicks made it ok! I really like the size of the container and the type of bedding. The postal agent said I am lucky as they received a box shipment of 200 chicks a few days ago and all but one was dead from over crowding. I wonder how any experienced hatchery could do that. Doesn’t make sense to me. Thanks for the timely shipment. Best regards
James, Alabama July 2014 –
Thank You!
Thank you very much. I have used your company for the past 7 years and I have had great results and I let everyone know who you are Thanks once again I really appreciate the email fliers you all send out. Thanks once again
Susette Pennsylvania March 2014 –
Attn: cackle, customer comment
I received my chick order today. It was the first time I have ordered from Cackle Hatchery and I was very pleased. All the chicks arrived healthy and safely. Also the amount of information available on your website is wonderful…the personal touch definitely helped me make my decision to go with Cackle. I would certainly order from Cackle again and recommend you to other people that keep poultry. Thank you.
R Kansas April 2014 –
Baby Buffs
My baby buffs arrived and all 20 were healthy and alive!
Aaron Kentucky June 2014 –
Thank You
I ordered 5 buff orpington 5 silver laced cochin 5 silver laced Wyandotte and some German Spithauben. I could not be happier. Keep up the good work.
Kimberli California May 2014 –
Thank You
I want to thank you for your assistance and help with turkeys that were sent to us on Monday May 19th. Last week for what ever reason half of our shipment of birds was given to me soaked at the post office. I called your center and a wonderful woman was very helpful and did all that she said and read the pamphlet and followed the direction however it was just to much for those poor turkeys, I gave it my all!. She was so kind to talk with and we do appreciated the second delivery. They are all eating and drinking like champs! We look forward to showing the chickens at the local fair and auctioning the turkeys. I will send pictures from this event!
Jo Ann New York April 2014 –
Customer Satisfaction
Recently, I received an order of chicks that I had called in. They arrived the next day! It was so good to see that all strong and healthy. They will be a week old tomorrow. All is going well. I live so far North in New York state that when shipments take 3 or 4 days the birds do not do well. I hope that this speed can be used again when I order. Thank you for healthy birds and getting them here by next day.
Karen California October 2013 –
Cackle Hatchery
Thank you for your quick and detailed reply. That say a
lot about you! The chicks are all doing great and they had no pasty bottoms. We prayed and the grandchildren know God answered their prayers but I can see now that your chicks just must be better chicks then we have ever received from other hatcheries. Larger and probably healthier. Thank you so much and Praise God!
Tony Mississippi June 2011 –
Thank you so much. After I sent the email the post office called five minutes later. The chicks are healthy and doing great. Best looking chicks I have ordered or have ever hatched. Will definitely be ordering again soon. Thanks again for your time and great products.
Michael New York May 2011 –
I am letting you know I received my chicks today. They were all healthy and are eating, drinking and sleeping. Thank You Very Much.
Joyce North Dakota May 2011 –
Thank You
My order arrived yesterday morning, exactly when predicted. Thank you for the phone call as this time my postmaster did not call, but because of your call I knew to call and arrange to come pick up my chicksn right away in the morning. I am thrilled with the condition of my chicks. I was a little worried as you are so far away but you came highly recommended from our favorite helper at the local TSC. Every chick arrived healthy and lively. Now, 24 hours later they are still all lively, eating and drinking.
David West Virginia May 2011 –
Chickens Arrrived
The Buff Orpington chicks arrived today, all of them are alive and well. We are so thankful for your donation and look forward to working with you again, if you’re okay with that!
Debbie Wyoming May 2011 –
Thank you I have never had a company before be so efficient with notifying me. I really appreciate it.
Andy April 2011 –
Buff Orpington
Just got my Buffs from Cackle for the first time yesterday. I was amazed at the size and vigor of the chicks. After 30 years of raising Buffs these are by far the best. I’ve used just about all thye major hatcheries and had good and bad ok overall. If these chicks are the sign of what the hens will be like they will by far exceed all others. Thanks for the great birds and great service. I rarely write these types notes but Cackle did great and will have my order next year as well.
Kory Illinois April 2011 –
Got them!
Got them! Great quality chicks and very happy with my order! Would Recommend you guys to anyone. Thanks
Stefan, Wisconsin (received June 2015) –
Ms. Smith
Just wanted to write and say that they all indeed made it today alive, healthy, and very rambunctious! Couldn’t be happier. It’s so much fun watching them run around like crazies now that they have some warm water and some food in them. Thank you so much for the great service and timely correspondence. I can promise we will use cackle hatchery again in the future.