Barnevelder Chicken

(11 customer reviews)

As low as: $7.94

Hatching on April 7, 2025

Order now for estimated delivery by April 10, 2025.

  • Barnevelders – Sold as Baby Chicks Only
Minimums –

Not Sexed = 3

Female = 3

Male = 1

Total of 3 birds to ship

Seasonal/Shipped Feb thru mid August

Limit of 24 Females & Males or 49 Not Sexed


Breed Facts

  • Poultry Show Class: Continental Class
  • Weights: Hen—–6 lbs
    Rooster——7 lbs
    Pullet—-5 lbs
    Cockerel—–6 lbs
  • Purpose and Type: Egg Laying; Exhibition
  • Egg Shell Color: Dark Brown
  • Egg Production: 150-200 eggs per year (estimates only, see FAQ)
  • Egg Size: Large
  • Temperament: Active
  • Gender Accuracy: 80-85%
  • Fertility Percentage: 65-80%
  • Broody: Non Setter
  • Mating Ratio: 7 Females to 1 Male
  • Roost Height: 2 to 4 feet
  • Country of Origin: Holland
  • APA: Yes, Recognized by the American Standard of Perfection
  • TLC: Not Listed
  • BREEDER FARM SOURCE: Cackle Hatchery® Poultry Breeding Farm has been developing our bloodline/strain of pure Barnevelder chickens since 2008.


The Barnevelder chicken originates from the Barneveld region of Holland and known for laying a dark brown egg. This beautiful bird has a single comb, is hardy and quiet and doesn’t mind being confined. The breed was first recognized by the American Standard of Perfection in 1991. Cackle Hatchery®’s Barnevelders breeding stock will produce feathering of partridge single laced and  double laced feather pattern. Each year breeding season our objective is to breed more for the double laced pattern. The Barnevelder chicken is rare to find in the USA but becoming more popular each year. To buy Barnevelder chickens, please select your quantity under 50 above.

Also may like Dark Brown Egg Female Surplus.


Available   Low Availability   Unavailable  
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11 reviews for Barnevelder Chicken

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  1. S


    I ordered 3 barnevelder females and received 3 barnevelder males and 1 female. The gender accuracy was within the percentage when considered with my entire order of 19. As stated, Cackle produces partridge single laced and standard double laced selecting more for double laced.I would like to see them separate these groups. All were very healthy and sweet! I rehomed two of the males and the male and female I kept are stunningly impressive and beautifully laced. He is my head rooster, supervises a flock of 31 and is tolerant of other roosters. She is beautifully laced and very sweet. Not laying yet at 6 1/2 months as to be expected for the breed and going into the fall. This has become one of my favorite breeds. I would love for Cackle to also carry the silver double laced Barnevelders. They are extremely hard to find. I would love to order more Barnevelders in the future. These birds are amazing and a breathtaking addition to the flock. Thanks Cackle!

  2. JC

    Jeanette Cahill

    I purchased mine in April and they are laying! They are a beautiful feathered and calm breed. I can’t free range much but they don’t seem to mind and I would definitely get more Barnevelders! I am always very happy with cackle hatchery!

  3. C


    I love this breed. They are so beautiful. They have a very friendly demeanor. Always receive the best quality birds from Cackle ❤️

  4. C


    I love this breed. They are so beautiful. They have a very friendly demeanor. Always receive the best quality birds from Cackle ❤️

  5. JM

    John Mirone

    What a beautiful breed. Purchased 8 hen and 3 roo chicks in may and absolutely thrilled. Should be getting eggs very soon.

  6. J


    These are my new favorite type of chicken. I got a straight run of 6, received 7, all were healthy and survived and I ended up with 3 females and 4 males. Two of the males were sold at about 6 months of age. As chicks, they were very calm and easy to deal with. As adults, they’re basically the same. I’m looking at them compared to heritage RIRs and EEs, so these are very calm compared to my others. They don’t like being touched in general, and I don’t handle them enough to turn them into pets, but they’re calm when caught compared to the other breeds I’ve messed with. They’re very pretty and even the females have the blue/green sheen to their black feathers like males have. Some things to be aware of that I’ve noticed. The female vocalizations are very loud, sorta like a RIR, and they aren’t the quietest of birds when they get going. You don’t want them if noise is a concern. The males, being docile, don’t seem to be able to take care of as many ladies each like my more active roosters in the past, and you certainly want at least two of them if you have more than 7 hens if you plan on hatching. As for the eggs, you can tell them apart from the other eggs pretty easily, although the ones from my hens aren’t near as dark as I’d like, however, it is known that shell color has been lost due to breeding for plumage in this breed. As stated in descriptions of the breed, they DO take longer to mature and my first rooster started crowing at about 6 1/2 months and they’re at 8 months now with one hen left to start laying, I think. Maybe she is laying but I’m not recognizing it yet as everything matures. Anyway, don’t look for these things to mature before at least 7 months. I also ran across conflicting information on the cold hardiness of this breed, and they do appear to tolerate cold better based on the artic cold we got a few weeks ago, but they appear to get hot easy. I suspect that any egg production picked up by them laying throughout the winter will be lost in the middle of the summer due to lack of heat tolerance, but I need a few more months to know that for sure. Overall, I recommend them if you want a calm, rare breed to mess with.

  7. M


    Love them!!

    I’ve ordered from you guys twice now and I have not lost one chick. In the two orders you sent extra girls for warmth I think 7 all together bonus! Beautiful birds my barnevelders just started laying large dark speckled eggs. They have great personalities I highly recommend this breed.

  8. A


    Beautiful Birds

    My 4 Barnevelders are 3 weeks old. They’ve arrived in 24 hours to Atlanta, in great health. They seem to grow by the second, but we’ve had no problems since their arrival. They are beutiful, full of personality, friendly and well behaved. Im very happy. Thank you. I will try to post a follow ip when they are older.

  9. TR

    T Rathjen

    Beautiful Birds

    I purchased my chicks in Sept of 2016. Everyone of them were healthy and lived. I purchased a combination of Sussex and Wyandotte’s. They were all hand raised and are very friendly and love to “talk” to you. We had no issues with health or poop and they have grown into beautiful, large birds, and produce plenty of eggs. We will definitely buy from you again when we are ready to expand our flock.

  10. JA

    Jerry, Arizona March 2012

    Chicken order

    I just wanted to send you some feedback on an order you sent me. They arrived all healthy and are doing great!!! My wife and I wanted to thank you for the way you handled the order and the quality of the chicks you sent us.

  11. BM

    Bill, Missouri February 2013

    Thank You

    I’m just wanting to express my thanks to you for the five different breeds of chicks that I got from your hatchery Feb 12th. They are doing quite well, one or two of the chicks has a soft poop but still seem to be full of energy. Being I never experienced chicks before, I was really surprised at how fast they grow. On the fifth day I had to extend my wall of the brooding area because they would jump and or fly over my twelve inch high pen. I did lose one of the barred rocks around the third or fourth day. I actually expected to lose two or three but I am blessed to have lost only one. Thanks for good service, information and kindly taking the time to answer my many questions.

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