Brahma Chickens For Sale

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Showing all 12 results

Originated in Asia and brought to this country in mid-1800’s, Brahma chickens are exceptionally quiet, gentle, and easy to handle. Their small pea comb, great size, and heavy plumage make them almost immune to cold weather. They have feathered legs, good layers of brown eggs and excellent brood mothers, and very children friendly for pets. Brahma chickens stand out in a flock due to their large size. The rooster can weigh up to 12 pounds and the hen close to 10. They are good for meat because of their size. Cackle Hatchery® offers our production type Brahma and the light exhibition type.

Brahmas adapt to most climates. With their heavy body and thick feathering, they are very cold tolerant. In the summer, if they have shade and water, they get along fine. The feathered legs and feet can collect mud in the rainy weather, and snow in the winter. Keep an eye on their feet and clean them if needed.