Photo Contest Information and Galleries

Girl with Chicken on her head. $100.00 cash prize for Best of Breed photo. Photo that best shows the pure breed.

$100.00 cash prize for Funniest Chicken photo. Funny, cute, originality or artistic.

$100.00 cash prize for Poultry show prize or ribbon photo. Photo of bird with ribbon or prize in the photo. May or may not include persons. Include name of show day and award won on the entry form.

Contest Rules
Take photos of your funniest chicken doing crazy stuff or just strutting around the chicken coop. We will accept photos of geese, ducks, chickens, guineas, turkeys and peafowl. We are looking for Photo Quality and Clarity in each photo submitted. Each household is limited to 10 photos submitted each contest year. There is no purchase requirement for submitting entry or winning. The photo must have been taken by the person submitting the entry and not have any copyrights or pending ownership of the photos being submitted. If you are mailing in your photo/photos they will NOT be returned and becomes the property of Cackle Hatchery®. We suggest you make duplicate copies so you have one to keep and send the other photo in with the entry form. Do not write on the back of the photo because the writing will indent or bled through to the finished side. For mail in photos we accept only color 4 x 6 inch hard copy prints or a CD. Enter digitally by uploading in the form below. All photos submitted are subject to use by Cackle Hatchery®.

Enter Our Photo Contest

Photos and entry form need to be delivered to Cackle Hatchery by December 15th
– Winners are announced January 15th on the Cackle Hatchery Facebook


"*" indicates required fields

Were the poultry submitted purchased from Cackle Hatchery?*
Are you a member of the APA-ABA Youth Poultry Club?*
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Terms & Conditions*