Mini Cackle Surprise

(34 customer reviews)


Hatching on April 28, 2025

Order now for estimated delivery by May 1, 2025.

  • Mini Cackle Surprise – No Sexing Available

Seasonal/Shipped Mid Feb thru Mid August. 

Item #1260



Like Surprises But Don’t Have Room Enough For That Many Birds?
Cackle Hatchery® is now offering our mini Surprise Box. No choice of kind or amount of birds but Cackle Hatchery® will guarantee a bargain. Generally 20-26 numerous colors, breeds, and kinds of poultry sent in this fun surprise. We guarantee at least 18 healthy baby poultry on delivery. Please don’t call us to identify the poultry –that is your fun for the next 7 months. Please be prepared for the possible diversity of poultry and their slightly different care needs. You may need 1 small brooder or maybe 2 if you by chance get any waterfowl. Click here to read chick care instructions. Consider making a short YouTube video or taking photos as they grow. Look for ongoing cash prize contests found on Cackle Hatchery’s® Facebook page for a contest about the Surprise. There is also a Facebook closed group that you can join called “Cackle Surprise Identification Help”. This group helps others identify their baby poultry in their Cackle Hatchery® Surprises. A great deal for baby chicks for sale online cheap. (cheap, cheap)

We do not offer Marek’s Vaccination on Surprises!

So, this might not be a good choice to buy if you have other poultry on your place that have been exposed to Mareks or have been vaccinated.

 Surprise boxes are put up at the end of the day after all regular orders are put up and we do not have time to mareks vaccinate them before they are sent off for delivery. Also Surprise box orders must be put on a separate order in the cart if you are ordering anything else.

Free Shipping applies only to this special, any other items ordered will have shipping added to it.


Available   Low Availability   Unavailable  
Date Available?


34 reviews for Mini Cackle Surprise

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  1. T


    Arrived on time, happy, hungry, and healthy! Will be ordering again! ❤️

  2. MK

    Misty Kennedy (verified owner)

    Wow, I was so excited to get my box of chicks. I was nervous though because I thought I might get a duck. I did not get a duck but did get two Turkey’s that I could differentiate immediately from the rest of the chicks. The Turkey’s are the most friendly. I am not sure yet if I’ll keep them or not. I got a large assortment to include 3 polish chicks, that I can’t wait to see what they grow into. I can’t figure out any of the other chicks. I’m just gonna have to be patient. They arrived across 3 states very healthy. They are all still alive and growing a week later. Im a happy crazy chicken lady. I was skeptical of ordering chicks by mail order but I would recommend this company. They are completely professional with connections to multiple social media sites to check into the reputable company they are. The mini surprise will save you money and youll have a lot of fun.

  3. AW

    Ashlee Wilkinson (verified owner)

    Received 26 healthy and happy birds.. 22 chicks, 2 turkeys, and 2 ducks! Can’t wait to find out what breed they all are. Very happy with my purchase!

  4. F

    froggrl81 (verified owner)

    I purchased a mini surprise box this spring and I received 28 babies total( 1 Turkey, 2 Ducks and 25 chicks. They have reached about the 4 month mark and it looks like we have 4 roosters and 21 hens. We are very happy with this colorful flock.

  5. F

    femjedi (verified owner)

    All the chicks were alive. They were very thirsty but they came out of that fast. They seem to be very healthy and there is a big selection in 25 chicks. They got here a day earlier than expected.

  6. MC

    Melissa Cantin (verified owner)

    All Chicks arrived safely and grew nicely. Was a nice assortment, will order the bigger Surprise next time!!

  7. ZB

    Zoe Burke (verified owner)

    My mini surprise shipped in April of 2021 everyone survived the trip to Michigan. We received so many fun varieties! 4 different polish, Easter egger, speckled Sussex, RIR, silver spitz, lakenvelder, 2 Indian runner ducks, jubilee, buff, and lavender Orpingtons, dark and light Brahma, Egyptian fayoumi and Saipan jungle just to name a few! An excellent group of birds that lay a rainbow of beautiful eggs! A perfect choice for anyone wanting to expand their breed knowledge and add color to their flock, plus you can’t beat the price!! Thank you Cackle!

  8. R

    Ryan (verified owner)

    1 broad breasted broze turkey hen (dressed out at 30lbs for Thanksgiving at 33 weeks) feed 20% then 16%!?!?, 1 duck (kaki), and so many kinds of chickens: 4 polish breeds, jungle fowl, and standard favorites too. The ducks need their own space cuz they make things wet. Bought two more ducks so it would have friends. So happy we bought this surprise! Awesome price tag.

  9. KO

    Kasey Olive (verified owner)

    Oh My Gosh!! I just received my mini cackle surprise box. We’ve gotten the big surprise box approximately 4 years ago and just didn’t want that big of a box this time. In my sweet little surprise box me and my husband and my kids have received 30 chickens, 1 duck, and 1 turkey!! We have identified several already!
    1 Ancona duck female
    1 Black Spanish turkey male
    2 Appenzeller Spitzenhaubens
    3 Black and White Polish
    2 standard Cochins
    1 barred rock

    We are still identifying but I couldn’t be more pleased!! I’ve used cackle for all of my bird needs!

  10. RF

    Raven Fire Homestead (verified owner)

    Maybe not the best time to ship

    I placed my order at the end of April and received my order two days ago. As soon as they arrived to the post office I received a call to pick them up which I did promptly. Two chicks had passed away inside the box, which bothered me, but was to be expected. What I did not expect was to lose six more overnight despite having followed the directions given by the website regarding their care. These six appeared weak out of the box, but I assumed it was transport fatigue. I’ve previously ordered and raised several flocks from Tractor Supply that were also shipped in. I’ve never lost this many chicks so quickly. Today, on day two, I have lost two more. I’m thinking that shipping procedures may have changed somewhat for the carrier (not the Hatchery) due to Covid-19. Perhaps it is not the best time to have poultry shipped. I’m thinking my little guys had a tougher journey than usual for so many to perish so quickly.

  11. B


    live and healthy looking

    Just received 26 chicks of different colors and sizes
    I believe there is 1 Turken chick

  12. J


    Cant wait to buy again next year

    I got 27 chicks and one white turkey all alive and doing well 3 days after arrivel I have many chickens already and i have only been able to identify 1 of my chicks a buff polish. and one white turkey very satisfied with my order now hopfully I have more hens then roo’s this is a fun. Box. I think next year all order the big suprise box

  13. C


    Awesome variety, healthy birds, super fun!

    I have had so much fun with my healthy and sweet birds! With the exception of my ducks I don’t think that any two of my birds are alike. Cackle sells so many different birds that it’s challenging figuring out which birds you received but it’s so much fun! Also the Facebook group is awesome to help figure out which birds you received. It really is a surprise and one that you continue to be surprised with as they grow and you realize they were a different chicken than you guessed! Btw, all my birds arrived healthy, only lost one as a baby. I’m very pleased with my first Cackle experience. It won’t be the last!!

  14. E


    My Fave, Second to the Large Surprise Box!

    I went to the store today amidst the mess of the pandemic…left with a beautiful box of babies hand picked by the amazing staff! Nothing like absolutely perfect chicks when everyone else is sold out!!!

  15. K


    Mini surprise was amazing!

    26 babies arrived healthy with two surprise turkeys! We couldn’t be happier with the selection and how healthy they appear to be.

  16. A


    Beyond Pleased

    24 chicks 3 Rouens 1 turkey turkey went to a new home… lost four chicks a polish 2 Sumatra and a chipmunk one ducks no losses… 20 strong healthy ones left having a blast identifying breeds and sex gonna be a fun couple months!!! Next time I getting the box with pairs of geese ducks turkeys and assorted chicks!!! Great job cackle I’m beyond pleased!!!

  17. V



    received 26 wonderful chickens

  18. S


    Completely satisfied, Will recommend to others and buy again

    Received a notification by email that my order shipped May 4 and I was able to pick up my peeping and cheeping box at the post office on May 6th. Very satisfied with the shipping speed to Texas. All but one of the 25 chicks were energetic and immediately ate and drank when I got them home. The one lethargic chick did die during the night but the remaining 24 are vibrant and healthy. Our whole family is enjoying trying to figure out the breeds but we know there are 2 turkeys, 2 ducks, 1 black and white polish, 2 barred rocks, at least 1 brahma, a Delaware, a few bantams, and what appears to be some Ameraucanas. I’ve purchased chicks in feed stores in the past but this experience was so exceptional I will plan to skip the local stores and order from Cackle again in the fall or next year, and I am already recommending Cackle to my friends. Five stars! Thank you!

  19. S

    Scottie (verified owner)

    First time ordering from cackle!

    Its so awesome how you guys at cackle do these boxes! We got 27 chicks total with only one DOA. We did get 2 duck which made my wifes entire year!! I believe we also got a turkey in here which is great for Thanksgiving(if i can convince my son to let us eat it) love our new chicks and will definitely order again. Thank you guys

  20. J

    Jesse (verified owner)

    28 birds arrived alive!

    This is such a great deal! I got 28 birds…26 are still alive a week later. I know I have 2 ducks and 1 turkey. There’s also a smaller bird which is a mystery to me. Great deal! I love the surprise of trying to figure out what I got!

  21. AP

    Andie P

    I’m a happy mother clucker!

    I was so excited when I got the call from our post office this morning. We saw our chicks were at the local USPS hub last night and had a feeling today was going to be our lucky day! I recommend using the tracking number and signing up for the text message updates so you can get your follow your chicks on their journey. We received 23 birds all happy and healthy. 20 chicks (4 with fluffy feet), 2 ducks, and one turkey. We already have chickens, ducks and turkeys so this is a great fit for our homestead. We are incubating our own birds however last year we were not so lucky. The Mini Surprise is the perfect price and size for our needs. I also loved watching your Youtube videos, I would never have known there was a thermometer in the box otherwise. Or that you include solid water! We used our thermometer to ensure our little guys were getting the right temp water before we placed it under our brooder heater. I’m so excited to see what these little fluff balls become in the upcoming months. Thanks Cackle!

  22. R

    Ron (verified owner)

    Mini cackle suprise

    Again, all healthy happy birds. We actually got 2 male turkeys ( white and bronze) and a kaki Campbell duck with the chickens. Thank you again. Our special needs son loves his chickens.

  23. R


    Super Happy!!!

    I live in NC and all 27 chicks arrived safe and are still thriving 2 weeks later. I have a very nice variety of chicks including 2 ducklings. The surprise of not knowing what I was going to receive has been a very beneficial experience. This will be the opportunity for me to start a mixed flock and discover which chicks will work best for our home for future decisions!

  24. C

    CBNies (verified owner)

    Great selection

    We loved our mini surprise. Hatch date 3/23 we received 23 chicks and 1 turkey. All arrived healthy and happy. We got a great selection of all sorts of chicks that will not only add color to my flock but also color to my egg basket. Totally worth the investment.

  25. M


    Cackle Surprise

    Absolutely pleased with the health of birds received! Have not had 1 bird to die after a week! I have tried many other hatcheries but didn’t receive the quality or health of these birds! I recommend these chicks to anyone looking for healthy well bred birds!

  26. K


    So much fun!

    Great variety, from what I can tell lots of girls and some boys chickens! 26 total and two goslings! All healthy babies. The whole family had so much fun with this.

  27. T


    Awesome Hatchery! Great Deal!

    Receiveda box of healthy adorable chicks, 1 duckling and 3 turkeys! I had several die but shipping is really hard on these little guys. Especially from MO to TX.

  28. K

    Kristy (verified owner)

    Great deal

    I received one Pekin duck, one BBW turkey, and a good assortment of chicks. The polish chick was doa and one bantam died the next day. It was in the 20s during their shipping so I expected some loss. All the others are doing great. So far I’ve identified a silver laced Orpington, assorted Wyandotte’s, a gold laced spitz, a bantam Cochin, a light Brahma, a dominque, 2 French Marans, an olive egger, a Rir, a black Australorp, and a few sex links. Their almost a month old now and so far only 2 are looking like cockerels. The only thing I wish they did different was ship a pair of ducks or no ducks. I had to keep the duck in the chick brooder for about a week, while I waited for the rouens I ordered to arrive.

  29. C


    Very pleased

    First time ever ordering from Cackle and i was very pleased. 26 very healthy and happy babies. I got received a good variety of chicks including 2 ducks. I will definitely be ordering from Cackle again!

  30. S


    Suprise Box

    I quickly received a box of really healthy chicks. My kids were excited and the thermometer was a nice extra.

  31. K



    Just received my order if chicks a day earlier than expected. Wow This is amazing every chick arrived healthy and happy I received 23 chicks plus two ducklings well worth the money! Very pleased with my order! Will recommend to everyone looking to start there own poultry adventure! Thanks again for the amazing experience!

  32. CC

    Crazy Chikcen (verified owner)

    It’s Like Christmas Morning 🙂

    Love to get the surprise box. This is my second time ordering a surprise box, both last years (67 chicks) and todays shipment were perfect we lost only one in both shipments not bad considering I live in rural Washington State. Todays shipment was 25 total one has a necked neck chick and a duck about all I can tell so far. I Defiantly would encourage anyone who is thinking about ordering a surprise box to do it. It’s so much fun, makes me happy. I was worried because the night time temps have been in the teens, they all seem to be thriving.

  33. S


    Always happy with Cackle hatchery!

    27 live and happy babies arrived on Valentine’s day! One turkey included. Very happy with my purchase.

  34. S


    Always happy with Cackle hatchery!

    27 live and happy babies arrived on Valentine’s day! One turkey included. Very happy with my purchase.

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