Links To Poultry Associations And Clubs

These are a few of the many clubs and associations linked to poultry. If you would like your club or association listed, please send your request to:Webmaster,

In an attempt to provide you with increased value, we have included some third party links on our site that focus on poultry.  These linked sites have separate and independent privacy policies.  We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites.  Nonetheless, we see to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these link sites (including if a specific link does not work).


Cackle Hatchery Chick Days at Feldmans
Information can be found at Feldmans
Group Links
4H  National Headquarters for 4H
4-H Curriculum and Projects:
American Egg Board
Barry Koffler’s Feathersite; Very Extensive Poultry Site
Bird Shippers of America Improving the backyard poultry industry
Bass Equipment Company World’s most complete line of small stock equipment…since 1961
Chicken Decor – Chicken decor to decorate your house
Chicken Gifts – Gift ideas for chicken themes
FFA Poultry
National FFA   The National FFA Organization Web Site
Mississippi Extension – Poultry Diseases Diagnosis Site
Poultry Youth of America -The best online resource for junior poultry fanciers
Raising Birds in an Urban Area, Regulations and Neighbors
The Poultry Site –  chicken disease information guide,  treatment and medications.
Poultry Clubs and Associations
APA-ABA Youth Club
American Buckeye Poultry Club
American Poultry Association
American Bantam Association
American Brahma Club
Ameraucana Alliance
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy  Non-profit organization working to protect over 180 rare breeds livestock and poultry.
ALBC’s Guide to Rare Breeds of Chickens  Free Download for comparison of breeds.
American Pastured Poultry Producers Association
Araucana Club of America
Belgian d’Uccle Booted Bantam Club
Cochins Interational- Premier Poultry Club Club for Bantam and Standard Cochins.
Crossroads of America Poultry Club
Dominique Club of America
Ducks Unlimited
Guinea Fowl International Association  An International organization providing support and information to those interested in the keeping and breeding of guinea fowl..
Heart of the Ozarks Poultry Association
Heritage Turkey Association
ILL-MO Bantam Club
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers
International Waterfowl Breeders Association
Japanese Bantam Breeders Association
Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Association
Michigan Poultry Fanciers
Midwest Bird & Animal Breeders Association
National Silkie Breeders Club
National Poultry Improvement Plan – Cackle Hatchery®®’s National Poultry  Improvement Plan (NPIP) number is 43-105
Northeastern Poultry Congress, Inc.
North American Game Bird Association
Pikes Peak Poultry Association
Rosecomb Bantam Federation
Rhode Island Red Club of America
United Peafowl Association
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
U.S. Poultry and Egg Association
Newspapers and Periodicals
Backyard Poultry Magazine
Poultry Press  An international newspaper devoted to breeding, raising, conditioning and showing purebred exhibition poultry.
Poultry Health Report – National Institute for Animal Agriculture
Poultry Times
Chicken Topic Forums
Cackle surprise identification ID Facebook group
Poultry Diseases/Sickness and Treatments/Management
The Poultry Site
USDA and Animal Health  Infectious Poultry Diseases and simple ways to keep your birds healthy.
Cackle’s Safe Handling of Poultry Poster
USDA Bio-security Protection for Your Home Flocks
USDA Short Video Tips on Chickens
Poultry Shows
Listing of Poultry Shows and dates throughout the USA
Tips for Getting your chicken ready for a Show
Kids Fun
Kidzone – Animals and Farm Life
All About Chickens for kids and teachers – Facts, games, math puzzles
Watch baby chicks hatch video by Museum of Science/Industry Chicago
Ideas For Chicken Coops, Chicken Houses and Chicken Tractors
The City Chicken -Chicken Tractors Photo Gallery
The City Chicken – Chicken House of the Month
Poultry Pages – Raising Chickens and Ducks