This chicken has been around in the old English history long before poultry standards existed. Originated date is unknown and many of today’s recognized breeds were developed by using Dominique bloodlines. Sometimes referred to as a “Dominecker” chicken that grandma and grandpa had on their chicken farm. Dominique chicken breeders were well known in the USA during the mid-eighteenth century. By 1950 the Dominique chicken was thought to be extinct and revived again in 1970’s. The Dominique chicken is often confused with the Barred Rock chicken which has a straight comb and slightly straighter and darker barred markings. Dominique’s are a great bird with a notable rose comb, barred feathering similar to the Barred Plymouth Rock and a dual all-purpose chicken. Dominique chickens are generally calm, a gentle breed that makes for a good choice for raising free range chickens because of their barred feather pattern that is thought to offer some protection from aerial predators. Cackle Hatchery’s® Dominique chicken flocks are a production type breeding program here at Cackle Hatchery. Mark Field was instrumental in providing Cackle Hatchery some seed stock decades ago. Mark passed in January 2021 and he will be missed by many in the poultry breeder world. We are sure you would like them for your chickens in the backyard. We sell these chicken for sale online cheap (cheep, cheep). Enjoy!
Many people who like this breed of chicken also like the miniature version of the breed, the Dominique Bantam Chicken
To learn about how to tell the difference between a Barred Rock and a Dominique Chicken please check out our blog here.
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James Collins –
I got 4 of these hens. They are unbelievable layers so far and great growers. Friendly. I will definitely keep these in my flock moving forward.
charcoal87smoked –
Perfect chicken for first time chicken owners!(and homesteaders!)
As a first time chicken owner, I had a lot to learn and it has been a JOURNEY lol
I purchased(okay, impulse bought) 4 female Dominique chicks from a mid-June hatch–I received 5 and they all arrived healthy and robust. Considering they had to travel to Massachusetts, that was impressive!
When I first got them I was FREAKING out because I had read on the internet that you can tell the difference in sex by the shape of the white cap on their head and I was CONVINCED I had 2 roosters in the bunch. I can’t have roosters where I live, so I was really worried. WELL as it turns out the chicken sexers at Cackle Hatchery know a little more about how to accurately determine a chick’s sex than me, a person who had never even held a chick. Shocker, I know. All 5 turned out to be hens of course.
The chicks had lots of personality from day 1, eventually flying up to my shoulder(and head!)any time I would hang out with them. Once they started laying, they became positively docile and love socializing with me anytime I go out to see them. Follow me around and come when I call!
I wanted something hardy, and that they are! I knew whatever chicken I got would have to tolerate the Massachusetts winter with no supplemental heat/light in the coop. They THRIVED. In fact, they had their first eggs in 9 degree weather. Total CHAMPIONS.
They took about 7 months to start laying, but I think that is because they came “of age” during the darkest/coldest part of the year and as mentioned, didn’t get any supplemental heat or light. But once they started, they were consistent layers from the get go. They lay beautiful, Medium+/med-large sized rose brown eggs.
They live in a good sized run(114 sq feet run +4×6 coop) and seem happy enough in it, but man they LOVE to forage when I give them free range time. Apparently they are known for being excellent foragers, my friend who does homesteading told me that they are the perfect birds for homesteaders because they are super hardy, good meat birds, consistent layers, cheaper to feed if you free range them because they are such good foragers, camouflage well, and are great mothers. She told me every time she tries a different breed she always comes back to the Dominique because nothing else does what she needs as well as they do.
It seems to me that there really is no downside to this breed— Give the Dominique a try, you won’t regret it!
crazy4poultry –
In early March 2023 I received Dominiques as part of my larger order. My order consisted of:
6 Dominique pullets
6 New Hampshire pullets
3 Brown Leghorn pullets
I received 7 Dominiques in total: 6 pullets and 1 cockerel.
I have been pleased with the Doms. They are active birds but without the high strung nature of the Leghorns. Out of the total order my favorite chicken is a Dom. She is very outgoing and fairly sweet – apart from her desire to peck fingers.
The Doms forage quite well, and I suspect in a large free range environment they would stand out. They are more active than the New Hampshires, but not as willing to fly over fences as the Leghorns. So far they thought they had fared the cold well. The rose comb certainly helps – the Dom rooster has only the slightest of frostbite compared to the Leghorn who has it bad.
They have a decent lay rate of medium light brown eggs. The first Dom to lay an egg did so just before 20 weeks old. Out of all 6 pullets one stands out as being a bit smaller than the rest. But the rest are more or less uniform in size. Many of them do have a foot with crooked toes, but I suspect that had to do with the hatching process and not genetics. The rooster has been a bit hard on the pullets, but has not shown any aggression to people.
Overall I have been very pleased with my Doms. I certainly recommend them as good chickens for any general flock.
saramiera –
We absolutely love or Dominique chicks!! The are so spunky? Strong, healthy, and super docile. The are the first of the bunch to investigate new things, try new treats, and to top it all off, they love to be picked up and held!! Can’t wait to get eggs from them!
Delbert Faden –
Ordered 50 birds and all of them were alive and healthy cannot complain hope to order other birds to add to my flock later
Rachel Edwards –
I received 2 dominiques and I love them. They’re very feisty but loveable.
Mschicken –
Very active chicks!
The hatch date was on a Wednesday, they came on Friday. Ordered 10, they gave me 12. All were alive and very active. All of them appear healthy and strong. Definitely ordering from Cackle again!
Isabelle –
All live and well!
We ordered a total of 25 baby chicks of different breeds. We received 31. They were all very active and alert. A week and half in and we haven’t lost one of them. Thank you for giving our chickens a good start.
Julie –
I ordered 24 pullets and 2 rooster chicks. I received 2 extra pullets. All arrived healthy and happy. 2 weeks later and I haven’t lost any. Very pleased with my chicks. This is my first time ever ordering and raising chicks.
MaMaD –
My new baby chicks arrived
When they arrived one was dead. But the rest are doing good. I have really enjoyed watching them. They are precious and my grandchildren are fascinated with them. They know they can’t hold them yet but they just enjoy watching them. I think they are a great addition to our family.
Jacalyn –
No worries here
After 2 years they are still laying reasonably well getting 01 to 12 eggs a day from 16 hens. Will definitely order these again and soon I think
Jackie_T –
No worries here
I purchased 25 Dominique pullets in 2018 and I received 27 all lived and grew well . They are friendly calm and great layers. Going on their second year of laying they are not disappointing me.laying Well and not eating much for how they produce. Thank you and when these stop laying I will be back for more
Biker –
Great product and service
We ordered our second batch of chicks in December and were given a firm ship date of Feb. 6th to arrive Feb 8th. We got an email the chicks shipped 4:15 am on Feb. 6th. We were surprised by a call from the Post Office at noon on the 7th that the chicks were there. We had ordered 15 and 17 arrived. All were well except one that appeared weak. That one did not survive. The remaining 16 are happy noise little girls. Our children love to check on them. Thanks for the great service and product. We will order from you again.
Chris –
Wife very happy with the Chicks.
Sharon –
Thank You
Got my chicks, all alive and doing well. I had 2 setters and they adopted them as their own. So precious. Thank you, a very pleased customer.
Justin –
You made our Family whole again.
We had a weasel sneak into our outdoor brooder and kill 17 White Leghorns that were 8 weeks old. The loss was horrendous, and compounded by the fact that they were hatched by my youngest daughter’s first grade class. We sat down as a family, and the seven of us narrowed it down to four breeds for a new batch of chickens. 3 Black Jersey Giants Females and 2 Males, 3 Black Laced Golden Wyandottes F , 3 Dominiques F, and 6 Easter Eggers F. We have an existing adult flock of 10 mixxed Isa Browns, White Leghorn, and Easter Eggers, all Female. We ordered two days before a hatch date. We received our chicks two days later delivered to our door, after they got kicked out of the post office for being too loud. 23 chicks in wonderful shape; an extra male Giant, 2 extra female giants, 1 extra female Wyandotte, and 2 extra Easter Egger females. We dipped little beaks in water and its been balls full out since then. 100% survival at 6 days old!!! Perfect total flock ratio of 3 males and 30 females(Barring any surprise roosters). My kids are happy, my wife is happy, and I am very happy. If every online purchase was this satisfying I might never go to another brick and mortar store again. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Cackle. You have our business for life.
Julie –
very happy hens
I am very satisfied with the chicks I ordered in April 2017, they arrived at the post office in great condition. They have grown into great foragers, like being handled, good layers, and are very personable birds providing a lot of entertainment. I was worried about them surviving the extended cold periods this winter in WNY, but they did just fine without any issues with frostbite. I will be ordering more for the Spring of 2018, they are addicting!
Lindsay –
Happy Customer
I chose to order my chicks from Cackle Hatchery because the website really impressed me and I was confident I would receive happy healthy chicks. I was not disappointed! I received my chicks on 3/23/17 so I have had them for 5 days now. All 15 I ordered arrived happy and healthy and to my surprise I had 2 extra chicks! This is something I have been looking forward to for a very long time, my first time raising chicks of my own! I love that I was able to order a variety of different breeds for a diverse flock. I am over the top happy with my chicks and Cackle Hatchery. I have even ordered a shirt, can cozies, a sign “I love my Cackle Hatchery chicks” and chicken socks: ) !!! I want to show my appreciation for such a fun new chapter in my life! Being a momma hen!!
Jackie T. –
No worries here
I ordered 25 Dominique pullets 27 arrived I have not lost a one. They arrived 6-12-2017 and now it is 8-14 all looking good. I have raised poultry for close to 45 years and Those little chicks where some of the liveliest I have ever received. I will definitely be back to buy more. Thank you Cackle Hatchery
David in OK –
GREAT, Healthy Chicks!
I ordered 10 regular Dominique chicks, and I received 11 — it has been nearly a week and all are going strong, thriving, and growing already. I also ordered 5 bantam Dominique chicks, and I received 7 — two were itty-bitty tiny. The tiniest one died after about two days, but the other 6 are doing very well and thriving and holding their own with the big guys. The remaining tiny one is a little spit-fire — it gives the big ones “what for” — it’s a cutie. Really hoping it turns out to be a hen as that’s all city ordinances will allow, but I have a feeling it’s a rooster.
Jamie –
love my chicks!
This was my first order of chicks and am very happy! They arrived in good condition- loud and hungry! I’ve had them for a week now and am impressed with how fast they’re growing and how well they’re doing. For someone who doesn’t know much about raising chicks, the directions have been perfect- covered everything I needed to know and then some. This is the only place I will order from. Thank you so much!
Ronnie & Gyneth Simmons –
Recent Order
We recently order hens and roosters from you. They all arrived in a timely manner and all are doing well. The girls and boys will be a great addition to our flock of Dominique’s we already have. Thanks.
Todd B. –
ordered 15 chicks, received 16. First time buyer. Lost 1 right away, another after a couple weeks. They were all healthy at arrival! And the local post office was amazing!
great company, good chickens
Bear –
I ordered 12 Dominique, 6 Delaware, and 6 Rhode Island White. I go some Dominique roosters and RI White roosters as well. They have done great so far and almost 3 months old. The Dominique that I have had over the years give the Rhode Island Red a run for their money when it comes to egg laying. That says a lot. If not same lay production, it is a close second to them and that rosy red comb is beautiful. Lord willing I am ordering more in February 2017.
Douglas –
Healthy Chicks
My baby Dominique chicks arrived on time and in excellent shape. They’re over 2 months old now and I didn’t lose any and they are doing fine. In the past I have order from other hatchery and from Cackle.
Cackle Hatchery is my only shopping spot for chicks. They’re by far the best in my opinion.
Slim –
How well birds have done..
I ordered 60 baby chicks in June, only lost one baby chick .The birds have done great and I’m very pleased with the professionalism of staff , when placing my order.I would recommend cackle hatchery to friends and family . Brad in Tennessee.
Randall –
Healthy Chicks
I purchased Dominique and Brown Leghorns this Summer they are doing great and the size and condition of the chicks was outstanding
Linn County 4-H –
Dear Cackle Hatchery
On behalf of the Linn County 4-H programs, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support toward the 4-H youth in Linn County. The Linn County 4-H program is utterly grateful towards all of our volunteers and donors. Your generous donation has helped the committee members purchase trophies, medals and awards for the Linn County exhibitors at the 2016 Linn County Fair. With these donations you aren’t just rewarding exhibitors accomplishments at the Linn County Fair; but you are also reinsuring exhibitors life skills in 4-H by being a role model of leadership for the youth. The Linn County 4-H program thanks you for your donations. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Chas from Tennessee –
The health was Great on our order….
First time ordering and first impressions always stick in your mind! We knew we had a bad hatch coming up at home after we candled our eggs. I got on the phone and called Cackle and asked if any were available May 16 they said yes. We ordered 20 pullets 6 rosters. They arrived today May 18. I am very impressed with the health an they were very uniform. They havent let up all day eating and drinking after a long trip too. The staff and people at Cackle are great. Ordered 26 got 30. Like I said first impressions always stick! When we need chicks it will be Cackle that we call!
David in Tillamook OR –
Very pleased with service from staff of Cackle Hatchery.
Ordered 35 Dominique chicks from Cackle Hatchery and received 38 all happy and healthy on day of arrival.
Mike Mc –
My Spring 2015 Doms are doing great, they have layed steady this winter. Egg size is increasing. I split the order with a friend and his kids love them!!
Patti Ohio July 2009 –
Chick Ordering
Hello I am writing to let you know how pleased i was/am with my chicks that I received from Cackle Hatchery. They all arrived healthy and alert which made for a pleasant experience since two young grandsons were with me when we peered into the box after we picked it up at the post office. The staff was pleasant when I put in my order and showed a wonderful sense of humor. Thanks so much!
J & D kentucky July 2009 –
Just a Thank you
We received our pullets the end of April. We wanted to let you know how very pleased we are with the instructions you provided and the wonderful quality of the chicks. They are all thriving! Thanks SO much! We just love our ladies!
Nannette, Wyoming March 2012 –
Our order
Your baby chicks arrived on time and in great shape. They are settling in nicely. Thank you for doing a great job at the hatching and sending part. And we really appreciated the very helpful descriptions regarding bird/breed characteristics. GOOD JOB!…WELL DONE!
Dewey, North Carolina March 2012 –
This is our third order with you guys and we are very happy. Last year we ordered two batches of Buff Orpingtons – the first batch was ordered too early, we have surmised, because we lost two. The last two batches, one of Buffs and our order today of Dominiques, came in and the chicks BOUNDED out of the box and were drinking and eating immediately. We will place an order for some Silkies later. I like to comment on exceptional service and you guys provide it. Expect us to buy our chicks from you exclusively.
Jo, Tennessee February 2013 –
I love your videos of your hatchery chickens and staff working packaging and shipping. I think you are best for hatching and shipping baby chicks. I have ordered lots of chicks, had better luck with you people thanks a lot. Plan to place order soon for more, thanks again
Samantha, Maryland April 2013 –
Packaged shippped to you
Just a note to say that the 5 Dominique pullets got here safe and sound. They don’t appear any worse for wear and are much more active than I expected after the journey. They started eating and drinking right away and all appear to be healthy. Even the postmaster was surprised at how quiet they were–she said that they must be warm and happy in their box. Thanks so much for the obvious care that you put into safely shipping the chicks to their new homes!
SK Unknown October 2013 –
Cackle Hatchery Website Videos
Thank you for posting live action videos of your different chicken breeds. The very were very helpful to observe flock breed temperaments.
Mike California Sept 2014 –
You hear a lot of complaints all the time. (I have read your message to the customers). What I want to tell you TODAY, however is THAT I THINK YOU DO A GREAT JOB, AND I AM 100% SATISFIED A++++WITH YOUR SERVICE, THE QUALITY OF THE BIRDS SENT, YOUR CATALOG, THE INTERNET AND ALL OF CACKLE HATCHERY–I LOVE IT. I have been ordering almost yearly from Cackle for about 10 years now I believe and I am never disappointed. There is nothing but good that comes from Cackle!
Tiffany Kentucky June 2014 –
My recent orders
I am writing to tell you just how pleased we are. In March we ordered our first batch of chicks from your company. Your chicks were lively, more sturdy and better quality than our other experience from other hatcheries. This year has been so much better that we have just placed 2 more orders. Your chicks are top quality and the customer service is awesome. Each time we have spoken with customer service they have been polite, knowledgeable and have plenty of time to educate us and help us. They never pushed anything on us or rushed us. I would like to give special acknowledgement to Bettina. She was our rep for the 2 orders placed today. She surpassed all our expectations today. Which is saying quite a lot since Cackle Hatchery has set the bar so high till now anyway. She is a true asset to your company. She even took the time to help us identify our “mystery” chicken. Thank you Bettina! We will only get our chicks from your company now. Thank you for being so terrific! We look forward to working with you in the future. Many Thanks
Johnette, Texas May 2015 –
Cackle people
Just to let you know my order was received today and all chicks were in excellent condition! Everyone was healthy and vigorous and seemed happy to be at their new home! Your staff was very pleasant and courteous and we actually received our order a day sooner than expected! Thank you for providing us with quality chicks and great service again!
Dan, Kansas May 2011 –
Just a quick note to say the new arrivals are here in the best condition. Thank You