Delaware Started Pullet

As low as: $164.50

Delaware Started Pullet – 15 to 22 Weeks Old

Shipped Only Year Round.  No Pick up Orders! 
Started Pullets are 34.00 ea.  Shipping charges are non refundable.

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Delaware Started Pullets are 34.00 each for a 15 to 22 week old female. MAXIMUM OF 2 PER ORDER ONLY
Shipping and Handling Charges: 1 bird-$227.00  2 birds-$261.00  
These pullets have been vaccinated for Marek’s disease with no additional charge. 
These started pullets are fed non gmo from day one. Have human interaction which makes them not as flighty. Have been raised in large areas with other birds, and would be a great addition to your backyard flock.
Originated and developed in the state of Delaware USA in the 1940’s and admitted into the American Standard of Perfection in 1952. The Delaware is a dual purpose chicken with a single comb and a layer of brown eggs. Plumage is nearly white with black feathers around the neck and tail and the bird is a rapid grower. Origin comes from a  hatchery man crossing Rock-Reds and occasionally a white colored chick would be in a tray considered to be an “off color” a “sport.” These white chicks grew very fast and big and, after of years of breeding the white offspring, they eventually became consistent with their color and color patterns and became a standard breed. In the 1980’s and 1990’s very few of these pure Delaware flocks still existed. Only in the last 15 years has this breed made a comeback. Cackle Hatchery® is proud to be a long time breeder of this beautiful chicken. Our original stock came from Colonial Poultry Farms in Pleasant Hill, Missouri which has long been out of business..
Click here to view our guarantee on Started Pullets.
Not available for residents of Minnesota, Virgin Islands, Alaska, Hawaii or Puerto Rico.


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