If the Standard Old English Game Chicken is too big for your property, don’t worry. At Cackle Hatchery® we offer several varieties of the miniature version. With the Crele Old English Bantam chicken, you will get a smaller chicken that is every bit as tame and beautiful as the standard breed. This specific variety has a unique mix of coloring spread across its feathers, and you can expect it to do well with little feed and space. Whether you want a show chicken, pet, or both, the Crele Old English Bantam is an excellent choice. Order your baby chicks today, and don’t hesitate to give us a call if you need any assistance.
Many people who like this breed of chicken also like the standard version of the breed, the Crele Old English Game Fowl Chicken.
Also may like Old English Bantam Surplus Special.
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lassiedail –
I love these very sweet, attractive little bantams! My favorite small bird. I was thrilled that I could order just females. They are hardy and I highly recommend them. Thank you Cackle!!
1of8bibliophiles –
These are the friendliest of all my bantams. They were such tiny chicks! I ordered a pair and the male did not survive but Cackle sent me an extra female who did. Those adorable little girls perch together at night and approach me in the run for treats while the Cochins and others stay away. Cackle is very generous with extra chicks and I have been very happy with all that I have received.
kimrosemarie72 –
I am updating my review as they shipped me a new box of chicks and they arrived healthy !
kimrosemarie72 –
This is my first time ordering through this company and it has been a terrible ordeal. My chicks arrived dead so I emailed them right away with pictures. All (Roxanne) she told me was wait till Monday and contact again with how many were alive. Then proceeded to go on and on how to give the this and that in their water. I did what she said knowing it was useless because the remaining were in a BAD way.Oddly now I cant get any response from anyone!
Cackle Hatchery (store manager) –
I am very sorry that we had failed communications with the email system. I am pleased that we were finally able to make contact and get your reshipment scheduled. Please keep us updated on the new arrivals.
juliespore –
I ordered 3 female crele chicks and 1 cockerel. They are all very sweet and friendly. They are gentle and come to you to be held. The little cockerel is 3 weeks old and his comb is already showing. He is also very gentle and mild mannered. Great birds !
whittnio –
I ordered a wonderful little crele OEGB cockerel and he turned out wonderful. His comb showed at 2 weeks! He has a stellar personality and loves to be held. He isn’t aggressive at all and tolerates multiple roosters in my mixed bantam flock. He also crowed at 6 weeks and isn’t loud at all. A truly wonderful little chicken!
Erica Warren –
I love my two little game hens. Mind you I keep chickens more as pets than for the eggs. Which is good cause these girls lay only every few days. That being said, they are far and away my favorite in my flock. Very curious, very friendly birds. Mine are 9 months old and I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a peep out of them. They follow you around. They are also great flyers and quite fast, so keep that in mind and clip them if necessary. Mine are herded or easily picked up when needed.
Spencer C –
Crele OEGB Very Friendly!
PURCHASED 10 SR, received 10 females & 2 males. A tad timid but very friendly and will eat out of hand. Males are protective but not aggressive. Great pet quality, highly recommend for small egg laying pets. They consume very very little feed. Lay a couple eggs a week. More docile than I expected,
Robinson –
Great little birds, customer service not as great
Last May I ordered 15 straight run Crele Old English Game Bantams. I received 17 happy, healthy chicks and raised every single one. They thrived from day one and were a total pleasure–friendly and active from the start. My only problem is the fact that of the 17, 14 were roosters! I realize I ordered straight run, but this is pretty much an autosexing breed. I guess someone ordered pullets the same week and I got the leftover roosters. Fortunately, I was able to place all the extra roosters and I now have a beautiful rooster and three little hens.
Barbara –
Very Sweet Bantams
Creles are very sweet bantams. My rooster & girls let me hold them with no anxiety. This breed of rooster doesn’t crow very loud; he makes for a good neighbor.
Joseph January 2016 –
Thank You
I want to thank you for my bantam old english chickens. I have never had chicks that love me so much. I treat them as though they are my children. They like to be held and kissed. I really love them. Thanks again. If I need more I will order from you folks again.
John New York July 2010 –
Cackle Hatchery
I recently received my order of Old English Game Bantams. The order consisted of four varieties totaling 36 chicks. They all arrived in excellent condition, perfectly strong and healthy. In a short time they were busy eating, drinking and scampering around. I am really pleased with them! A very satisfied customer.
Mary Kansas May 2010 –
Many Thanks
I am very pleased to report that the 4th order has arrived like the rest. All healthy happy vigorous and ready to go. The orders prior to this one have lived and been healthy for the first 2 weeks. Please keep up the good work. Also Superior Customer Service. Again Very Pleased AAA++service. Thanks to you all!!!