Guinea fowl are fiercely protective parents. Unfortunately they don’t seem to grasp the concept that their little ones can’t move as fast as the big guys. As a result, the keets easily get lost. Further, during their first two weeks of life baby guineas, or keets, chill easily. Trapsing through dew-wet grass while trying to […]
Continue ReadingCategory: Guinea Fowl
Raising Guinea Fowl
If you raise guinea fowl that you plan to free range, start with keets rather than full-grown birds. Keets become acquainted with their home ground as they broaden their foraging range. Adult guineas, on the other hand, are notorious for flying the coop the first chance they get. By raising guinea fowl from keets you […]
Continue ReadingSexing Turkey Poults and Guinea Keets
Turkey poults and guinea keets are difficult to sex, and therefore are typically sold as straight run. The males and females of both species, within the same breed or variety, look pretty much alike until they are nearly mature. Sexing Turkeys As turkey poults grow, you can take an educated guess as to which gender […]
Continue ReadingHow to Keep Guinea Fowl from Flying Away
Guinea fowl are notorious for flying away, never to return. The problem is most likely to occur when guineas are moved to a new and unfamiliar location. Guinea fowl can be more easily encouraged to stay on the home place where they are raised. But getting them to stick around is more difficult when they […]
Continue ReadingGuinea Fowl on Tick Patrol
Many rural folks keep guinea fowl primarily to patrol for ticks and any other pesky insects they might snack on. When allowed to roam freely, a flock of guineas will effectively patrol a lawn, pasture, or edge of a woodlot. Just start up your lawn mower and guineas will gather to feast on whatever the […]
Continue ReadingGetting Guinea Fowl to Roost Indoors at Night
Guinea fowl are notoriously independent, often preferring to roost outdoors at night. They are more likely to perch high on a tree limb or on top of the coop roof, than to sleep inside, where they would be safe from owls and other night prowling predators. Getting guineas to go inside at night is the […]
Continue ReadingPractical Advantages of Raising Guinea Fowl
If you’re looking for a new addition to your homestead, there are a number of excellent practical advantages to raising guinea fowl. These boisterous, black-feathered fowl can provide tremendous benefits to your property. They can also be raised in conjunction with a flock of chickens! Protection and Pest Control Two of the greatest […]
Continue ReadingHave Fun Showing Poultry with Less Stress to You and Your Birds
Showing poultry is fun, interesting and educational. It’s also a great way to meet people of all ages from all walks of life who share a common interest. But it can be stressful, especially for the first time exhibitor. It can also be stressful for the birds. In his book Showing Poultry, veteran poultry judge […]
Continue Reading6 Great Reasons to Raise Guinea Fowl
Are you thinking about raising guinea fowl in your backyard? Here are six reasons why we think guinea fowl would make a great addition to your backyard family. Tick Control Guineas are like miniature tick hunters. They’ll scour your yard for those tiny, disease-carrying ticks and get rid of them before they land on your children […]
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