Giving chickens to underprivileged women will lift them out of poverty. So says Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is getting a lot of flak from his country’s political elite. But consider this: Chickens were once the savior of poverty-stricken rural Americans, according to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Henry A. Wallace (1933-1940). In the 1900s, […]
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Gender Bending LED Incubator Alters an Egg’s Sex
A Minnesota firm has obtained a patent for an incubator that can alter the sex of an egg before it hatches. Naturally hatched eggs result in about 50 percent females and 50 percent males. Anyone who has ever hatched eggs hoping for a majority of laying hens knows the problem — too many roosters. To […]
Continue ReadingChina Uses Thousands of Chickens to Control Locust Populations
If you’ve been keeping chickens for any length of time, you may have noticed that they love to gobble up insects in your lawn and garden. In fact, chickens have such an appetite for insects that some organic farmers use them as environmentally-friendly alternatives to pesticides. In China, government officials are taking this idea one […]
Continue ReadingUK-Based Startup Is Turning Chicken Feathers Into Insulation
According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization, there are nearly 26.56 billion chickens being raised as livestock worldwide. Chickens are the most populous farm animal in the world, and every day they shed thousands of tons of feathers. In some cases, these waste feathers are converted into low-grade animal feed. In others, they’re simply […]
Continue Reading4-H Chick Chain Enjoys Renewed Vitality
Chick Chain is a 4-H activity that introduces youngsters, and often their parents, to the fun of growing baby chicks into laying hens. It’s called Chick Chain because participating youngsters receive baby chicks in the spring and sell some of their grown layers in the fall, with the proceeds funding the purchase of chicks […]
Continue ReadingThe Year of the Rooster is Upon Us! Now What Does That Mean?
Folks, we’ve officially entered the Year of the Rooster, so Cackle Hatchery went on a hunt to figure out what that really means for 2017. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, there are five types of rooster combinations, and animal signs must also coincide with one of five elements (fire, wood, water, earth, metal) that […]
Continue ReadingUSDA Announces New Rules to Protect Livestock Producers
On December 15, 2016 the US Department of Agriculture announced that it will institute three new rules designed to protect the rights of livestock and poultry farmers who work with large meat processing companies. The Obama administration proposed a similar set of rules in 2010, but Congress blocked their funding. After the spending ban was […]
Continue ReadingNational Steak and Poultry Expands Chicken Product Recall
On November 23, the Oklahoma-based company National Steak and Poultry issued a recall of roughly 17,000 pounds of ready-to-eat chicken products that had been packaged in early October. These products included a number of pre-cooked products including the popular Hormel brand of roasted chicken breast strips. This initial recall stemmed from concerns that the products […]
Continue ReadingRogue Rooster Evades Capture in Pittsburgh
Roosters are strictly forbidden by Pittsburgh’s city code, but that hasn’t stopped one rooster from taking up residence in the Steel City. Now known as Rudy, the rooster began squatting on the property of 69-year-old Henry Gaston a few years ago. He was originally accompanied by two other roosters, but they have since been apprehended […]
Continue ReadingFarmers Use Chickens as Alternative to Pesticides
Chemical pesticides might do a fine job of protecting crops from harmful insects, but they can also have a decidedly negative impact on local ecosystems. In recent years, agriculture experts have become especially concerned about the threat chemical pesticides pose to pollinators such as honey bees. That’s why some farmers have begun searching for other […]
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