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Got Chicks®! Now What? 8 Chicken Facts That Surprise First Time Owners

Got Chicks

So, you finally did it. You went out and got chicks®. Now what? Here are eight facts about baby chicks that commonly surprise first time owners. Brooding baby poultry of any type generates a lot of fine dust, so locate your brooder where dust won’t be a problem. Your living room or guest room, for […]

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Chicken Predators [Infographic]

From burrowing badgers to high-flying hawks, chickens have their fair share of dangerous predators to contend with. As chicken keepers, it’s up to us to protect our flocks from these threats whenever possible. That’s why we put together this handy infographic that identifies a number of common predators and offers suggestions on how to keep […]

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How to Help Your Chickens Stay Warm in Winter

Rooster in Snow

Whether or not your chickens experience cold stress in winter depends on a number of factors, including how rapidly the temperature drops, how cold it gets, how long it stays cold and the chickens’ ability to stay dry and out of the wind. A well-feathered bird can be perfectly comfortable at an air temperature of […]

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How Chickens Keep Themselves Warm in Winter

orpington hens

Chickens have a naturally high body temperature, averaging around 106°F, which allows them to remain active despite cold weather. As the temperature drops, a chicken’s metabolism speeds up to keep the bird warm.   At the same time, the flow of blood to a chicken’s legs decreases to minimize the escape of body heat from […]

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What to Do with Unwanted Roosters

Unwanted Rooster

It’s a problem every chicken keeper eventually faces: What to do with unwanted roosters. If you purchase chicks, or hatch your own, you’ll have this problem sooner rather than later. Even sexed chicks that are sold as pullets (young hens) almost invariably include one or more cockerels (young roosters). If you end up with more […]

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Which Chicken Started Laying Eggs?

First Egg

When you raise hens from baby chicks, finding their first eggs can be exciting. Chickens don’t all start laying at the same time, so you’ll likely find an occasional small egg, then maybe one each day. Before long you’ll be finding multiple eggs daily. But since most chickens don’t lay an egg every day, how […]

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How to Protect Your Poultry During a Natural Disaster

Rooster Burrito

Natural disasters are on the rise, and if you keep poultry you are responsible for the safety of your birds. No matter where you live, nearly everyone is vulnerable to disasters of one sort or another — wildfires, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, chemical spills, hurricanes or tornadoes. Here are eight commonsense steps that will […]

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Can I Legally Keep Chickens in My Backyard?

Girl with Chicken

In many areas local ordinances prohibit keeping backyard chickens, but regulations vary from one place to the next. Before bringing home your first chickens, check applicable zoning regulations, municipal codes, homeowner association rules, and lease restrictions. You will learn whether you can keep chickens at all, and, if so, what restrictions might pertain to your […]

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Should You Vaccinate Your Chickens Against Marek’s Disease?

Newly Hatched Chicks

If you’ve purchased chicks from Cackle Hatchery in the past, you may have noticed that we offer our customers the opportunity to vaccinate all of our chicken breeds against Marek’s disease. This highly-contagious viral disease causes chickens to develop a variety of devastating symptoms such as vision impairment, partial paralysis and cancerous tumor growth on […]

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