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Understanding Your Chickens’ Pecking Order

Understanding Your Chickens’ Pecking Order

If you have chickens in your back yard, you may have begun to notice that they’ve formed their very own clique with certain chickens exhibiting specific behavior and other chickens reacting or reciprocating. Ever wonder why? It’s all about the pecking order! First of all, you should know that your chickens are social creatures, so […]

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Coccidiosis: The Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Coccidiosis: The Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

Chickens may not get the typical head cold like we do, but they are subject to some illnesses that are really tough on their immune systems and can even lead to death. One such illness, called coccidiosis, is very common among young chickens, but can be treated effectively if caught early.     Coccidiosis is […]

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Sprouting Fodder for Your Chickens

Sprouting Fodder for Your Chickens

For those of us who raise chickens in temperate climates, the winter is an expensive time of year. Grasses go dormant and many chicken owners are forced to buy extra feed in order to supplement the diets of their birds. Over the course of a few cold months, these feed costs can add up fast. […]

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Hallmarks of a Happy Henhouse

Hallmarks of a Happy Henhouse

Your coop provides your flock with the safety and security they need to live happy, healthy lives. Without adequate shelter, chickens will be more prone to stress and less likely to produce large clutches of eggs. Likewise, it’s important that chicken owners do whatever they can to provide their flocks with the best living environments […]

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Safely Treating an Egg-Bound Hen

Safely Treating an Egg-Bound Hen

Have you noticed one of your hens waddling like a penguin? Is she going in and out of her nest box without laying? Is she struggling to defecate? Does her abdomen feel hard to the touch? Your hen may be egg-bound. This is a potentially life-threatening condition wherein an egg becomes trapped between the Uterus […]

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Integrating New Chickens Into Your Flock

Integrating New Chickens Into Your Flock

For those of us who already have an existing flock of chickens, planning to order more chicks can be a stressful thought, mainly because integrating new chicks into a flock can be a challenge if you don’t know what to do.     Here are some tips to make the integration process as smooth as […]

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How Can I Prevent My Chickens From Getting Sick?

How Can I Prevent My Chickens From Getting Sick?

Keeping your chickens healthy is vital to maintaining your flock, whether they are an egg-laying brood or just family pets. Fortunately, diseases in isolated groups tend to be a rare occurrence, but there are some steps you can take to be proactive and protective of your birds.   For starters, make sure that your birds […]

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Promoting Healthy Egg Laying

Promoting Healthy Egg Laying

So your hens have reached six months of age and slowly, but surely, they’ve begun to lay eggs. So far, however, laying has been infrequent and egg shells have been thin and brittle. In order for your chickens to produce strong, healthy clutches on a regular basis, they’ll need the right resources. In this entry, […]

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Protecting Your Chickens from Predators

Protecting Your Chickens from Predators

After devoting months to diligently caring for your baby chicks, the last thing you want is to have one become the hapless victim of a hungry hawk. Unfortunately, self-defense isn’t your chickens’ strong suit, so it’s up to you to keep them safe from harm. Birds of prey, coyotes, foxes, and even large domestic dogs […]

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Tips for Caring for Your Baby Chickens

Farm Chickens

Raising baby chickens is a joy, especially for families with young children, but it requires care and preparation. Follow our suggestions below and the process will be fun and enriching, without too much mess or stress! In the early stages of your chicks’ lives, they’ll require a great deal of your attention. There should be […]

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