The large fowl black Ameraucana chicken is the most popular American Poultry Association recognized variety. And also generally the most winning variety at poultry shows. They have what the judges are looking for and also what many poultry enthusiasts want in a backyard chicken.
Our seedstock for the large fowl black Ameraucana came from their creator, John W Blehm of Michigan, in 2014. Cackle Hatchery® breeds them to produce the bluest egg shells possible — the natural light pastel blue color. A small percentage, however, may be light green shades. They usually do not start laying until around 9 months old. For a list of the best blue egg layers visit Cackle Hatchery’s Best Blue Egg Layers Blog.
Newbie Note: Some white feathers appear in the first and second stage feathering, which is normal. But by the sixth month the black Ameraucana chicken will have solid black feathers.
Please note that this breed has an inherent genetic beak issue. One out of 100 chicks, as they grow, may have some variance in severity of scissor beak/cross beak. The best description for this condition is that the top and bottom beak do not align. And the condition normally will get worse as they grow. Numerous articles are on the internet. You can find more information about this issue on our Cackle Hatchery blog.
NOTE: Our sexers have a hard time determining the gender of the Ameraucana. As a result, their vent sexing on this breed is about 80% accurate on the average. That’s well below the normal average of 90% accurate on other breeds. Please take this into consideration when ordering females. For more information contact us.
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jenniferkpower –
Received all healthy chicks. They are 7 months old now and true to the breed standard. They just started laying very blue eggs. Very pleased with this order
saramiera –
My black Americana named Cinders, has green eyes!! She’s super sweet and calm too!!
saramiera –
I was going to wait until she started laying to write a review but really, I can’t wait even that long. My Black Americana pullet is beautiful, sweet, calm, and a good free-ranger. Her black feathers shine a pretty teal color in the sunlight. She has a full beard and muffs and is our snuggler of our chicks. I’ve heard that Americanas develop more slowly but out of our mixed flock, she has developed the quickest. She is the biggest and most developed out of our Easter Eggers, Speckled Sussex, Delaware, Dominique, and Buff Orpingtons!! I can’t wait to see her blue eggs!!
jessicacohen2021 –
Cackle sent me a Black Ameraucana hen by accident last summer. She has surprisingly outperformed all the other hens, laying 5-6 eggs a week during the coldest, darkest part of the winter (January). The eggs are a darker shade of blue than the Easter Eggers’. She is very quiet (never heard a sound from her), and stays out of trouble. Very impressed.
Tia –
Friendly but very broody
Got 3 black Ameraucanas in 2019. They didn’t look like each other (different eye color and one didn’t have beard and muffs). The egg color is beautiful bright blue. They are flighty until they start laying. They get super friendly and they get broody and lay literally half of the year. That took a toll in their health It is still my fav breed of chicken.
Rebecca –
My very first flock of chickens arrived in April 2018 from Cackle Hatchery was made up of 27 chicks. The MOST social pullet of all of them was a Black Ameraucana I named “Raven.” Raven knows her name and will come out from the flock when I call her! 🙂
Amber k –
No eggs yet!
I was going to give these 1 star based on the fact that they are 11 months old and they have still not laid 1 single egg!!! And eggs is the whole reason we get chickens right? But I decided to give them 3 stars because they are pretty birds. I have 6 of them, 3 black and 3 blue… I think they are way over priced, and awful layers, I have been breeding chickens for many years and know that americaunas take longer to lay (26-30 weeks) but this is just ridiculous!
Chicken Jane –
So Sweet
I have had EE’s, Marans (black copper and cuckoo), olive eggers, and legbars. But the absolutely sweetest personalities are in my black Ameraucanas. From here forward I will always have black Ameraucanas in my
flock—they are beautiful and affectionate!
Terresa –
Sweetest dispositions
One female is only 5 weeks old and comes to be pet every time I walk into the brooding coop. She perches on your fingers without even thinking of leaving 🙂
Love my hen! –
Black ameraucana
Ordered straight run and got one hen. She is priceless!! Lays large beautiful blue eggs. She’s very vocal, comes up and asks for feed every morning. I’ll be ordering 3 more!
Eva –
Great birds but not standard
Great birds. Develop slow but lay beautiful bright blue eggs at around 7-8 months of age. A few of them do not look like the others. One didn’t develop beard and muffs, the other had black eyes… hoping Cackle works on the standard SOP breeding so they can charge the full price. Birds are lovely and healthy regardless, thy just can’t be used for showing.
Katie –
My black Ameraucana girls just started laying beautiful blue eggs. They started laying later than the rest, but the eggs are a beautiful shade of blue. It was well worth the wait as these girls are by far the friendliest in my flock.
Becky (verified owner) –
Love Them
Very beautiful birds, healthy, and very friendly. They start out laying large blue eggs, no small starters lol.. I can’t wait to order more!
Charlene –
In love
My black Ameraucanas are 16 weeks old and they are lovely and tame. They do well in the coop all day and are great foragers when we let them out in the afternoon. I ordered all my chicks from you because I specifically wanted these birds so much. I can’t wait til they start laying, but I know I need to be patient. My leghorns’ combs are reddening up already, so at least I will have white eggs while I wait. I can’t wait to see the blue egg color. Thank you for these splendid, gorgeous birds. Their beards are so fluffy, to die for!
Sheri –
All girls
I just want pullets, all girls, no boys.
Saige –
Amazing birds
These birds are beautiful and produce lots of eggs. These are some of my favorite ckickens☺
Chris Newton of Canterbury, CT –
New offering of True strain black Ameraucanas. When will you be able to offer the option to purchase day old pullets instead of only straight run. This will be a HUGE advantage for you compared to the other commercial hatcheries. Thanks so much!
I am SOO excited to see you as one of the only commercial hatcheries offering the true strain black Ameraucanas. When will you be able to start offering sexed black day old pullets instead of straight run. This would really differiniate you all by providing this option from the rest. They will need to be vent sexed, but because they are slow growing you cannot tell the pullets from the cockerels until about 4-5 months. Will you be able to offer sexed day old pullets next season please???? 🙂
Julia Missouri July 2012 –
Smith Family
Liked you chicken YouTube videos