Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs

(16 customer reviews)

As low as: $14.99

Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs


No Pick up orders

Eggs need to be placed on a separate order and not with other birds. The egg orders are manually scheduled and you will receive your notice of your ship date within 24 to 48 hours.

The next ship date will be mid June.



Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs!

This Indonesian breed takes black to the next level! Often referred to as the “Lamborghini of poultry.” Their skin is black, their muscle, bone and organs are black! The bird has a mutant fibromelanistic gene – a gene that deposits excessive black pigment.

We have worked very hard on our bloodlines since importing eggs and birds in 2014 and 2015. We also have added lines from top US breeders and Greenfire Farms to produce stunning pigment and black birds unlike any other breed. Working with several unrelated bloodlines you are sure to get birds you can breed selecting the best! Birds that are so black, sunlight dances in metallic shades of purple and green sheen in the feathers.

Through careful selection and culling we always strive for top quality black meat, skin and good black pigment. Roosters can get some mulberry upon maturity due to testosterone and other influences. Show birds should be kept from the vicinity of hens to further emphasize black pigment in combs. Eggs may be marked denoting the different bloodlines included. Hatching eggs are RISKY! You may hatch 100% or you may hatch none at all. We cannot guarantee the distribution of black pigment on chicks.

We cannot guarantee the distribution of black pigment on the hatched chicks. Some can have leakage in tongue, mouth and toes.

We also have available Ayam Cemani Baby Chicks

NO Guarantees on hatchability – NO refunds – Order at your own risk
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No pick up orders.

16 reviews for Ayam Cemani Hatching Eggs

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  1. W


    Received 12 eggs followed there letter to the T candled and was shipped non fertilizer eggs… waste of $200 dollars

    • CH

      Cackle Hatchery (store manager)

      As stated on our website we do not offer any guarantees on our hatching eggs due to the many variables involved. Please reach out if your order was in the mail system for more than 5 days.

  2. TS

    Tonya Stewart (verified owner)

    So disappointed in Cackle Hatchery for sending me unfertilized eggs again. This is the second time I have ordered a dozen Ayam eggs from this hatchery and BOTH times I received unfertilized eggs. It seems to me your scamming customers out of their hard-earned money for regular run of the mill eggs. I gave you a second chance and you sent me garbage. I understand you cannot guarantee hatchability, but do you even have a rooster fertilizing the eggs???? What a complete waste of money and time. Terrible business. I’ll make sure to spread the word so no one I know orders from this hatchery.

    • CH

      Cackle Hatchery (store manager)

      So sorry for your experience. These are from the same eggs we bring into the hatchery each week that we hatch. There are so many variables that go into the process of shipping hatching eggs. There is no way of knowing how well the postal service will do in handling them. Varying temperatures they are exposed to. This is why we make sure people understand there is no guarantee with shipments of hatching eggs.

    • CH

      Cackle Hatchery (store manager)

      So sorry for your experience. There are so many variables that go into the process of shipping hatching eggs. There is no way of knowing how well the postal service will do in handling them. Varying temperatures they are exposed to. This is why we make sure people understand there is no guarantee with shipments of hatching eggs.

  3. KB

    Karen Bryant (verified owner)

    Would not recommend.
    Packing was top notch! Very well packaged.
    Came with instructions that were easily understood.
    We followed the instructions to the letter and we had a 0% success rate.

  4. DH

    Desiree Hunt (verified owner)

    First time ordering eggs offline. I received 14 eggs. They were packaged well and none were broken. After 10 days I candled the eggs. Two did not develop. I had movement up to the day 3 on lock down. Sadly only one chick hatched out of 11. Not sure what happened. I’ve always had high hatch rates when hatching eggs. Wish I could order eggs and just pick them up so they wouldn’t have to be shipped.

  5. JS

    jayne.suter66 (verified owner)

    Packaging was great, as I’ve read in past reviews most people got 15 when they ordered 12. I only received the 12, when candling a few didn’t look viable. Will update.

  6. SR

    Samantha Ramirez (verified owner)

    Sadly none of my eggs made it 3 out of 12 made it. All 3 passed away overall great service! Just displeased since this was also my first hatch and excited this was for my FFA project.

  7. GG

    Gail Gegg (verified owner)

    Ordered 12, Received 15. Hatched 11. Very pleased! All hatched chicks are healthy and thriving. Now hoping for more hens than roos. Thank you Cackle! Great service.

  8. LB

    Liz Berry

    Extremely pleased.

    Ordered 12 eggs, received 15. Packed perfectly – none broken. 11 made it to final lockdown. 7 hatched, but one didn’t make it.

    This was my first hatch so I couldn’t be happier with my 6 gorgeous fluff balls. I can’t wait to watch them grow up!

  9. A



    I got 15 14 lived one died after hatched don’t know why but love them!

  10. S


    Terrible service

    Call ATT first of the month ask them how everything worked told me to place my order before Friday and they’ll go out the next Friday I say fantastic call back in next Tuesday which is before the month even started steel no eggs in the basket they refused to give me my money back I’ve stayed home three days waiting for a package to arrive steel no eggs in the basket

  11. D


    This bird is beautiful

    I love birds and looking for an expensive bird for domestic.

  12. S



    Of the 15 shipped, only 10 hatched, and one of those didn’t survive (intestines hanging out) and one more will likely need to be put down for the same reason. Interestingly, my favorite and by far the darkest and smallest chick is the only egg, and last to hatch, is from the Raven line. The little chick (half the size of the others) is also tough as nails and when placed in the brooder quickly established a new pecking order!

  13. C



    I also ordered 12 eggs and received 15. Every egg was perfect. Air sac intact. Just finished the hatch and got 15 chicks out of 15 eggs. Awesome!!! I’ve purchased other chicks from this company and have always been pleased.

  14. C


    Fantastic packing! Extras sent! Perfect eggs!

    I loved the extras and hatched 8 beautiful black babies! 2 had some white, but already fading to black!

  15. CU

    ChickenCoop Update

    Amazing Hatch!

    Out of the 12 I put into the incubator 6 hatched, the ones what did not hatch 3 of them had feathers but the yolk did not absorb fully into them and the other 3 eggs just stopped growing at day 7-14 so in all this was a very great hatch! The colors are very beautiful in the light, their black skin shines a purplish color, and they are healthy and happy in their brooder.

  16. C


    Great Order!

    I ordered 12 eggs, they sent 15 of them, only 3 had hairline cracks in them and the rest was all fine also they was packed very nicely and secure, they have a very amazing verity of lines in the breed. I can’t wait to see what hatches!

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