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The Complex Relationship Between Chicken and Mosquito

The Complex Relationship Between Chicken and Mosquito

Scientists from Sweden and Ethiopia have discovered that malaria-causing mosquitoes don’t like the smell of chickens. Malarial mosquitoes avoid live chickens, as well as steering clear of compounds extracted from chicken feathers. Researchers are now investigating whether chicken-odor extract might be used as a malarial mosquito repellent, according to a recent BBC report.   Since […]

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Four Kitchen Scraps Not to Feed Your Chickens

Four Kitchen Scraps Not to Feed Your Chickens

Chickens have a wide range of likes and dislikes when it comes to what they eat. Unless they don’t otherwise get enough to eat, most chickens won’t eat things that are bad for them, or at least they are unlikely to eat enough to make them sick. Feeding kitchen scraps can be a nutritious way […]

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Have Fun Showing Poultry with Less Stress to You and Your Birds

Have Fun Showing Poultry with Less Stress to You and Your Birds

Showing poultry is fun, interesting and educational. It’s also a great way to meet people of all ages from all walks of life who share a common interest. But it can be stressful, especially for the first time exhibitor. It can also be stressful for the birds. In his book Showing Poultry, veteran poultry judge […]

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Five Ways to Preserve Surplus Homegrown Eggs

Homegrown chicken eggs are seasonal. Sometimes you have too many, sometimes not enough. Here are five ways to extend the shelf life of your fresh homegrown eggs, to preserve the surplus for days when your hens take a vacation from laying.     1. Do Nothing You may be surprised to learn how long clean, […]

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Woody Chicken Breast — One More Reason to Grow Your Own

Woody Chicken Breast

As if you needed one more reason to grow your own chicken meat, here it is — woody breast, defined as a hardening of breast muscle, resulting in stiff wood-like fibers that make the breast meat difficult to chew. Woody breast is one of three breast meat myopathies (muscle diseases) that plague the poultry industry, […]

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What Do You Call the Place Where You Keep Your Chickens?

What Do You Call the Place Where You Keep Your Chickens?

Chickens need to be confined to protect them from the elements and from predators, but what do you call the structure in which they live? Chicken coop is a common term for a stationary structure. The word coop derives from the Old English word cype, meaning a small structure for confining birds.   Hen house […]

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Heritage Chicken Breed: The White Chantecler

Heritage Chicken Breed: The White Chantecler

The heritage Chantecler chicken is a dual-purpose breed suitable for the backyard production of both meat and eggs. It is the only breed of chicken originating in Canada, developed to withstand the rigors of bitter cold winters.     The Chantecler hen has a gentle temperament, lays brown-shell eggs, and tends toward broodiness as she […]

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In Celebration of Heritage Poultry Breeds

In Celebration of Heritage Poultry Breeds

International Heritage Breeds Week is celebrated each year during the third week in May. So what exactly are heritage poultry breeds? According to The Livestock Conservancy, heritage chicken and turkey breeds share the following characteristics:     They can reproduce through natural mating. They have the genetic ability to live long and vigorous lives. They […]

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