Straight Run Hatchery Choice of Rare Breed Chicks
Weekly Special Rare Chick Special – Sold As Baby Chicks Only
Any other orders other than weekly specials needs to be a separate order. These specials can end at any time and are constantly changing throughout the season. You may order one of our discounted weekly specials today online or call us at 417-532-4581.
Must ship within the next two weeks.
Item #WS1263
Minimum of 15.
Straight Run Hatchery Choice of Rare Breed Chicks
Michele –
Long time ago
I ordered this group at least 25 years ago when I lived in Florida. I received 26 adorable babies that all thrived for many years. I was very happy with them & am finally in a situation when I can have chickens again. I will be ordering standard cochins as they proved to be my favorite.
Angel –
Love these Blue Chickens, .
These blue chickens are Beautiful. I would love to own some of them. I’m not allowed to have to many where I live. How big are these ? I’d love the full grown ones, easier for me to take of. Only layers tho. Contact me on this please !!! 6184028642 Thank you !
Bob the potato –
rare chick special
Rare chick
Are the cutest chicks ever
Bob the potato –
rare chick special
Rare chick
Are the cutest chicks ever